What happened?

372 14 6

Neymar’s POV

Once again I have to get up early to get to the training. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love to train with the squad but I just have this tight connection with my bed and I don’t want to destroy this relationship. I go to my shower and do my normal morning business. After that I go to the kitchen where I can already the amazing smell of Marcela’s cooking. Marcela is a good friend of mine from Brazil and she moved to Barcelona with me to cook for me and that I don’t feel lonely all the time. “Bom dia, Neymar! Come voce dormiu?” (Good morning, Neymar! How did you sleep?” “Bem obrigado.” (Good, thanks.) I go up to her and give her a kiss on the cheek. She is such a kind person and I’m so happy that she moved here with me otherwise I would be alone all the time. Marcela is actually the only person I can tell everything here in Barcelona, whenever I have some kind of problem I can come to her and she will always have an open ear for me. “What are you all smiley about? You are never that happy in the morning.” I didn’t even notice that I was smiling but when she says this it gets even bigger. “I’m just so happy that you are here with me and that I can always turn to you. Thank you.” I kiss her once again on the cheek and sit down at the table to eat my breakfast she has made for me. It tastes as perfect as always. Sometimes, when I’m homesick, Marcela makes Brazilian food just to make me feel better. She is just my second mother and I love that about her. “C’mon, stop dreaming you have to be at training in half an hour and you still haven’t eaten anything. So hurry up.” I just laugh and shake my head. “Yes mum.”, I mutter under my breath. “What was that?”, Marcela says and hits my head with a towel she held in her hand. “Don’t get rude or otherwise I won’t cook for you anymore.” “No please. I love you and you are the best.” I pout and a smile breaks out on her face. “Oh Ney. I’m so happy that I get spend time with you.” She comes to me and hugs me. “And now hurry, otherwise you will be late for training.”, she scolds me. I finish eating and get ready to leave. “Bye para mais tarde!” I send her a kiss before I open the door and get to my car.

*skip car ride*

I park my white Audi Q5 right beside Leo’s Audi A7. I absolutely love Audis and I’m happy that we can get a new one every season. I get out and just then Leo gets out too. “Hey mate!” We bro hug and go inside together. We are one of the last ones to arrive and just go to our booths to change. When I am tying up my cleats the door opens again and Marc comes inside the room looking horrible. “Wow, Marc what happened to you?”, Gerard jokes but Marc just looks down on the floor and goes to his place. We are all kind of shocked, Marc is always one of the loudest in the changing room and his behaviour is really odd. I just hope nothing serious happened. I think I will try to talk to him during training maybe I can help him. We are kind of close and we always joke around together and I always want my friends to be happy. We all go out onto the field. I stop and wait for Marc. “Hey, Marc how are you today?” I ask him and throw my arm around his shoulder but he just shakes it off again. “I’m perfectly fine, thanks Neymar.” He says but I know he isn’t and his fake smile on his face shows it even more. “C’mon what’s up with you we all can see clearly that you aren’t fine at all. What happened that made you like this. You know you can tell me anything.” Now I can finally see an emotion on his face but what I see isn’t good at all. Marc looks like he wants to murder someone. “Oh really I can tell you anything? And if I tell you, will you go and steal my girl again?” I’m shocked at his sudden outburst. “Marc what are you talking about. I would never take a girl away from you. You are my bro and bros don’t do that to each other.” He seems to get even angrier. Suddenly he shoves me into the wall. “Oh sorry Neymar Jr doesn’t ever do anything wrong. Just listen once, I don’t care how good you are at playing at football or how famous you are but never and I mean never steal a girl I like ever again. I won’t hesitate to punch this beautiful face of yours if you do so.” He shoves me once again and I don’t know what to say or how to react. I have never seen Marc like this. He is always the one you just stays calm and never freaks out. “Marc! I never and will never take anyone away from you. I don’t know what your problem is right now but I won’t let you talk to me like that. What is your fucking problem?” I grab him on the collar of his shirt and now I’m the one shoving him into the wall. Anger flashes through his eyes. “You want to know what my problem is. Then listen carefully. Everyone gets to be happy and me? I’m the little guy who never gets a girl and now that I have finally found one the famous Neymar Jr has to come and take her away from me. You know what? You can have her, she is just a naïve little girl. I don’t need her or any other girl. Who needs love anyway it just breaks your heart and you are left alone again.” I’m shocked, what happened to him that he talks like that and what did I do to make him upset at me like that. Just when Marc wants to start screaming at me again, someone comes into the hallway we both are in. “Hey, guys what are you still doing here…Whoa what’s happening here?” The person comes nearer and I recognise Gerard. Now Marc is full on screaming. “You want to know what’s up, this little sh*t here wants to steal my girl. He always destroys my life and now he wants to take the last bit from me.” Suddenly I feel something colliding with my cheek and before I know it Marc slaps me another time. “Hey, hey, hey! Marc stop! What are you doing?” Gerard screams at Marc and grabs him on his shoulders. Just seconds after the rest of the guys come in the hallway to look what’s happening. Marc fights against Gerard’s tight grip and Sergi gets in front of him to calm him down. “Marc, what’s up with you? You can’t just attack one of your friends just because you are upset. Especially because Neymar hasn’t to do anything with it. It is all your own fault, so don’t accuse someone else. Just calm down and think of a way of getting her back.” Now I’m even more confused, what does Sergi mean with getting her back? Who does Marc want to get back? I can see Marc breathing deeply. “All okay now?”, Sergi asks him and Marc nods. As Gerard loosens his grip around Marc he comes up to me. “I’m sorry Neymar, I really shouldn’t have taken out my anger on you. I hope you can forgive me for attacking you.” I just hug him. “Sure thing. But don’t you want to tell me what this is all about?” I look at him and he really looks dished. “Maybe later. Let’s go training now.” I just nod put my arm around his shoulder once again and we all leave for training.

*skip training*

“Neymar, could I talk to you now.” I turn around and I am surprised to see Marc standing in front of me. “Sure what’s up?” He just shows me to go with him and he leads me to a room with some couches in it. “Okay so you wanted to know what happened. I kind of ruined the friendship between Anna and me. We went to a restaurant yesterday and I told her about my real feelings and right after I said that I didn’t mean it and now she won’t talk to me or answer my phone calls and messages.” He looks down and really seems said. “Oh Marc. Why didn’t you just tell me that before? But I have a question, why did you say that I wanted to steal Anna from you.” Marc looks in my eyes for a second before he looks down again. “I kind of got jealous this one night in the club because you talked with her and I thought that she doesn’t have any interest in me. I mean who would want me if she can have the Neymar Jr.” I just laugh. “Why are you always saying the Neymar Jr. You know that I’m a normal person and nothing special and I know for sure that there are enough girls who would love to be with you instead of me.” As Marc looks up he seems to be a little bit happier than some minutes before. “But don’t worry I will help you to get her back.” Marc just shakes his head at this. “There’s no point in doing this. She won’t want me back anyway. But thanks for your help.” He gets up to hug me and leaves afterwards. I still sit on the couch and begin to think how I could help him.

I get in my car and drive home. As I arrived at my house, Marcela has already finished my meal and waits for me. “How was your day?” I hug her. “The training was good.” I sit down and begin to eat. “So and now you tell me the truth. You look really sad and I haven’t seen you like this since you broke up with Bruna.” I just look down and continue eating. “Okay actually it isn’t really my problem but Marc has met this girl and he likes her really much but yesterday he did something which made her really upset and now she won’t talk to him.” I look up at Marcela and see her sympathetic look on me. “Are you sure that this is everything? I mean sure you always care for your friends but like I said before I have never seen you this upset since you broke up with Bruna.” I sigh and put down my fork. “I know it is just that I kind of like her too, even though I have only seen her twice. She is such a nice girl and if you ask me she is everything are guy is looking for. And also have talked with Rafaella about this and she said that I should fight for her but I can’t do this to Marc.” Marcela gets up and sits down on the stool beside me and takes my hand in hers. “Do you want my honest opinion? I don’t think that you should fight for her. Like you said Marc has met her first and you shouldn’t do this to one of your friends. Maybe you could just be friends with her. You will your girl one day and she will be perfect for you and she will only be yours no one else’s.” I hug and hide my face in the crook of her neck. “Thanks Marcela, but I think I want to help Marc to get her back.” I can feel her smiling. “That’s a good idea. Do you have any plan already?” I get out of the hug to look at her face. “Kind of. I thought about going to her apartment and talk to her. Maybe I can convince her to talk to Marc again.” Marcela smiles, takes my plate and goes to the kitchen to wash the dishes. I think it’s set. I will go to her apartment tomorrow and talk to her. Let’s hope that Anna will listen to me.

I hope you like this chapter :)

What do you think about Neymar helping Marc getting Anna back? Do you think that Anna will listen to him?

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