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Anna's POV

The last few weeks have not really been eventful. I have been to some check-ups in which nothing special was found but I show my now prominent baby bump proudly. Luckily nobody knew that I was Marc Bartra's girlfriend so I can just walk around the city without having to worry. 

I have also told my parents about the pregnancy, sure they were happy to hear that I'm becoming a mother but also sad that they won't be able to meet it and also furious that Marc has just left me. 

Honestly, I'm really happy right now even though I often feel down due to the illness my baby has. Neymar too has been a great help with everything and I'm happy to have a friend like him.

Since Davi has left again to Brazil I'm alone in the house most of the time. But after a week I could no longer sit around and do nothing so I began taking walks around the area. I have found wonderful parks and just beautiful places to have an amazing view all over the city. 

It's the best way to relax for me, just walking around and looking at everything whether it be plants, houses or even happy people walking by. Often it is easier to be happy for other people than thinking about your own misery. 

Sometimes I still wish Marc was by my side to do the typical things you do while you're pregnant like going shopping for clothes, just lounging around rubbing the baby bump or simply thinking about names for the child. 

But since he isn't I'm left alone to do all these things. Quite often I consider asking Neymar for help but I'm sure it wouldn't feel right.

Since I know that my baby won't be living for long I don't have to worry about furniture and so far I also haven't bought any clothes since I will only need on piece of clothing for when in hospital. 

But I realize it gets harder and harder to not buy anything when I walk by a children's shop. Whenever I see cute baby clothes or toys I get near tears again. It just reminds me that I won't ever see my child growing up and I can't give it live lessons or something like that.

Sooner than I wanted I arrive back at Neymar's house in which I'm still staying at. Surprisingly he is already at home when I step inside. It also seems that Marcela has cooked for us since its heavenly smell is all around the house. 

"Oh hey Anna, where have you been? I have already looked for you." Neymar greets me and hugs me tightly. 

"I just took a walk around the area, I needed to get out." It's amazing to finally feel warmth again when he hugs me. We sit down to eat together and he talks about his day, especially his training. 

When I can trust his stories it is always a funny time for all the players. He tells me about some tricks he and Dani have played on others. I'm laughing nonstop and this seems to brighten Neymar's mood too. 

"I'm happy to see you laughing again." He smiles at me and I just can't it but to get up, go over to him and hug the life out of him. "You know, this is only because of you. Thank you for being with me all the way." 

He kisses my cheek. Suddenly he lifts me up as if I weighted nothing and runs out to the pool. Careful of my baby bump he jumps in it with me in his arms. I squeal since the water is really cold, so I clutch onto Neymar for dear life. 

"So my little monkey how are you?" I give him my biggest smile. "I'm perfectly fine." I look up but he isn't looking at me, instead he follows his hand which is drawing circles on my bump. 

"Anna, I don't want to darken the mood right now but have you thought about what the doctor has said. You know that you have now reached the time when the baby is able to live and you could give birth any day you want." I know it needs to talked about but still it makes me want to hide in my bed and never come out again. 

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