Chapter 11 ~ Cat's Outta The Bag

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Minato's POV

It's been 2 days since we arrived at konoha and put kakashi in the hospital. He still hasn't shown any signs of waking up.

The doctors said that he is suffering from chakra exhaustion, because of useing high ranked jutsu even though his chakra coils aren't develop enough yet.

The afternoon we arrived back at konoha after i made sure Kakashi's safety, i personally went to sandaime-sama to give a report.


Flash back

I knocked on the door to the hokage's office, waiting for the permission to come in.

When i heard the sandaime giving permission to enter, i opened the door and went in.

Inside the sandaime set on the hokage's chair, his desk is field with stacks of paper. The strong scent of smoke lingering in the air.

"Ahh, minato. How did the mission go?" The sandaime questioned as i stood in front of the hokage's desk.

My eyes shifted at that question, remembering Sakumo's lifeless body beeing clutch by kakashi's tiny arm.

The sandaime notices my reaction and his eyes saddened. Even if he probably already knew by my reaction i awnsered anyway.

"By the time we arrived there sakumo-san was already dead. He was surrounded by the Bodies of what seemed to be ROOT agents, hokage-sama"

At that the sandaime's eyes sharpened.

"ROOT? Are you sure minato?" He questioned.

"Hai, sandaime-sama" i awnsered.

He hummed to him self deep in thought with the new revelations.

"How many?" He asked abruptly.

"There was 19 dead bodies laying on the ground, hokage-sama." I replied.

The hokage gave a signal for me to continue, so i explained in better details

"9 of them was killed by Sakumo's tanto judging by their injuries. 5 of which was killed by lightning attack. And the rest got their throat slit..."

Come to think of it.. the ones that had their throat slit looked like they offered no resistance.

It's just like.. well.. it's seems as if they just stood there and waited for their throat to be slit open.

It the sandaime noticed my dilemma as he asked what's on my mind.

"Well, hokage-sama.. it may seem weird but.. from what i saw.. the once that died from their slit throat..." I dwadled unsure if i should continue. But the sandaime just motion me to continue, so i did.

"It looks as if they just stood there. With out any resistance, or trying to fight back." I continued, it wasn't necessary to continue at that point of the explanation. The sandaime knew well enough that ANBUs - especially once that were trained by danzo - wouldn't just stood there and let their throat to be slit open.

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