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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I plunged ahead with that original work rewrite of this series I mentioned awhile back. The series itself is still under construction, but I have started reposting Smoke and Lightning under a new name--Heartless.

The description:

The girl has no name. No desires.

For as long as she has remembered, life has followed several simple rules. Listen to the mages of the Circle. Be seen, not heard. Cause no problems. Don't go outside without the Watcher.

They all shatter the day a white-haired mage kills her guardians.

For better or for worse, their death places her in the hands of the magic tower. Everyone who passes through it's black doors learns how to live as a mage. And, shockingly, that hand is extended to her as well.

The tower offers her friends, family, and a voice of her own.

It offers her a name.

And she'll do anything to protect that. Even fight the Circle.

So if you're interested in reading something new of mine, as well as exploring what this series could be like without the limitations of being a fanfiction I damn) years ago, go check it out! It's on my original works account, and is called "Heartless."

I'll put a link in the comments on this chapter.

P.S. The basic series concept covers a bunch of mages working out of a magic tower based in a high fantasy-ish empire. Ish because there is some level of technology, but it's based out of magic rather than anything else. There's gonna be war, of course, but also a lot of character driven plot. Jun will get to have a bigger place in the new series, and the KazuexKabuto will feel so much less creepy since the character I've created to take his place can get an age adjustment. As will the rest of the cast--while Heartless will cover Miki (now Elysia) from ages 11-18, the actual series will cover (based around Kazue-->Sarai's age) 16-20ish. Making it firmly YA into NA. You'll probably be able to see the influences of the series, but I've also changed the plot a lot in order to make it...well, not a fanfiction. 

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