Author's Note

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Welp, that's the end of that! Hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did!

The next book, Sightless, is scheduled to start being posted in June, although you guys know how patient I am. I'll probably end up working on it before then, as much as I'd like to think that I'd finish one of my Ouran Fanfics before I start working on this series again, or to at least work on a bit of One Piece or something.

Until then, there are some things you can check out if you want more of these guys!

Additional One-shots: Just what it says it is, and it's open to requests. It's full of back-stories, future stories, and filler stories, such as one one-shot about Miki and Kakashi stuck in a cave together. :3

Smoke & Lightning: The prequel to this book. Check it out if you haven't already, it gives a lot of background to the characters and is just a fun read in my opinion.

Colorless: A short companion novel focusing on Hisoka and Hikari, mainly, with little bits of Mikashi (Yes, that is my ship name x3) mixed in, and it'll also have a bit of Itachi in there... eventually!

Then there's Oblivion, a separate Kakashi love-story with a more mature focus.

Anyways, this has been tons of fun to write and I hope that I'll see you guys in the sequel! Until then, <3

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