Chapter 2

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The whole room is quite daunting. I feel really threatened when I turn to see a few guards training. They all look really fit. Kai and Alexa guide us over to J. He seriously needs to change his name to something else.

He stands strong with his arms crossed over his chest. He has now changed out of his other clothes and into a muscle tank which highlights his muscles. He stares at us with a cold face . I'm kind of scared. I hide behind Kaylah as she and Kai try to flirt with each other.
I guess she got over Calumm.

"Alright , here is where you will train for the next few days. You are required to put in full effort. There will be punishment for misbehaviour. Let's begin. Follow me"

We all follow him towards the punching bags. He tells a us to line up behind one and shows us the correct way to punch. By now Kai and Alexa are gone. I really wish they didn't leave because now I feel even more uncomfortable and nervous . I zone out for a bit until a deep husky voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Oi princess are you listening"

I turn my head to see J death glaring me . I can see everyone else starting to punch so I look like the odd one out. Despite all that, all that stays in my head is the word princess and I really don't like it. I've never liked pet names and I will not accept anyone I don't know calling me by one.

"Don't call me that" I say between grit teeth.

He just smirks at me as he comes closer to where I'm standing. I don't feel intimidated at this point. I want to wipe that stupid smirk off his smug face right now. I am so riled up that I don't care that he towers a few inches over me . I stand about 5'5 and he's 6'1.

"Start punching something princess" he says emphasising the word princess still holding that smirk that could melt any girl with one look , but not me right now.

I am so angry that I do the unthinkable. I punch him straight on the nose and hard. His head moves sideways as he clutches his nose and screams in pain. Now it's my time to smirk. Inside I'm thinking holy shit Sky the fuck did you do that for you're gonna die right now right here and no ones going to care , you'll be the girl who died because she's an impulsive bitch sometimes ,holy shit I'm dead. I hear gasps echo around the room from all girls around me who have been drooling over him for the past few minutes.

"How was that" I say to him with my hand on my hip. He looks me up and down fully. Stepping closer to me he forces me to bend my neck upwards into an awkward position so I can clearly see him.

"You've got quite the punch on you don't you princess" he says smirking. Again with the smirking ugh this kid is so cocky.

"Then don't try me asshole"

"Kick me"

"What" I am really confused at this point. I just punched him and he wants me to kick him, clearly my punch to his face mentally damaged home. I look around and see all the girls death glaring me hard.

"I said kick me princess"

Instead of answering him this time I just shrug my shoulder what the hell may as well and round house him high near his face. I almost make an impact until I feel a hand grab my foot. I turn to see him smirking at me . I use this opportunity while he's looking at me to do something. He doesn't know how flexible I am . With my other leg I kick him in the jaw an jump back.

I turn around ready to get out of here until I feel a hand grasp my wrist and turn me around. I see him staring at me this time with a smile on his face. He looks good . Too good ,like some sort of exotic God .

"Nice trick princess, your quite the thing but I'll get you next time and pay attention"

I feel this sudden rush of confidence in me.

"You wish hot stuff" I say as I take a step closer to him and whisper in his ear. He just smirks at me. I then turn around and go back to my punching bag. Kaylah is staring at me like what did you do and how. I just shrug my shoulders and continue punching. Just when I'm mid punch a loud siren goes off making me confused.

"Dinner time. follow me" J says to us. We follow him down a hall way filled with mirrors. I take this opportunity to see that my black eye make up that Alexa put on me has smudged under my eyes making them pop out more . I kinda like it and I don't know why.

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