Chapter One

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Secrets are best kept hidden. Lies are best kept safe. And mysteries are there to be resolved. However, in the midst of all this the truth never seems to be sub sidedly important and prevails.

Journeys are fragile and conditions are fierce, but, being unworthy is always something that screams in ones mind.

Bravery conquers all.- Vani


I stare up into the wooden framed mirror that sits just above my bedroom wall. The frame has splinters and the mirror is muggy from people's fingers wiping across its surface. As I look up I see a pale face with reddish-blonde hair and blue eyes. I am not that pretty compared to the other girls that I see around the commune, but am not horrible looking either.

I get up off the chair and table I fell asleep on last night and head towards the front door, grabbing an old towel as well as some new, but previously worn clothes.

I yell to my older brother Mathew that I am about to leave for the communal showers. He is 19 years old. 3 years older than me. We never really knew our parents as they died in the war. Now it's just Matthew and I.

Together we live in an underground commune. We were setup here after the war that happened years ago. We were forced underground to seek refuge and now, more than 2000 people live in an area known as the "Hole".

Ever since I was young I was told that we should never leave the safety of the underground world as only evil lives up near the sky. The cleverest of our people whom we call the "Waatabs" designed our main sources of power and water and therefore were appointed the head of the government.

The government run the commune and decide who is to leave the "Hole" to seek outside knowledge and supplies. This government is run by head leader Aresel Peterson.

She is a harsh looking woman but always wears a smile. I have known her since I was little and have always respected her. She restricts order and disciplines the structure of our system. She is extremely forceful about living here and how it's safe and much needed.

Every once in a while Aresel selects a few members of the communes guards and the public to go out of the commune. I am not sure why . The only way to get out of the commune is to go through "The Tunnels". No one has come back from a journey for the outside world and no one knows how to get there. The tunnels are left locked at all times and are located on the south of the Hole.

Lifestyle is minimal here and supplies are grown in various regions of the commune. Furniture is limited and showers are held in the local communes.

I head out the front door and walk along the dirt path. Houses are small in height but a generously wide. They all stand joined together one by one and leave an extremely wide path that is also used as a road for those who know how to make bikes.

To my left is a large area known as the "Scrap". This area contains everything generations have salvaged from the war. People are able to trade parts in to receive them. This is how we make our daily appliances.

I see the scrap workers carrying large piles as I walk past the big heap of junk. My feet start to hurt a few hundred meters up the pathway as I forgot to bring my shoes.

I accidentally drop my towel as pick it up next to it lies a puddle of water coming from someone's house. I have always wondered what rain looks like , how bright the sun shines and how dark the moon glows. I now realise that I am a bird in a cage.

I continue down the pathway and can see the showers ahead. They are already full. The showers are lined up in longish rows. 15 in each. I search around for a free one when I hear "Oi Skylander". I look up and see a long olive skinned face with bright blue eyes. She is tall and extremely pretty. She is my best friend Kaylah. Next to her stand Evan and Calumm. They are both good looking guys. They make me feel out of place.

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