"Wake up, Luke! Wake up!!" I got up to see my little brother in my room, jumping on my bed! "How many times I've told you not to come into my room and no jumping on my bed?! Jump on your own bed!" He was still jumping when I saw he had something in his hand. "Wait, what do you have there?! Is that supposed to be for me?" "Yeah, it's a letter. It had your name on it when I went to the mail! I shout your name to see if you could get up and grab it but you were still fast asleep!" "Give me that!" I tried swiping it but he kept jumping and dodging. "You promised you would take me out!" "I said, one day when I'm not busy! Now, the letter!" "But you're not busy today! It's Saturday!" "It could be important the letter, Will. Give me it so I can read." "You forgot to say please." I sighed. "Please hand me the letter to see if I'll be busy or not." "Okay!" He jumped off my bed and handed my letter. "In the meantime, go fix your bed." "I already did!" "Is your room clean?" "Yep!" "Fine, do you want to make breakfast?" "Oh yes! Should I make pancakes or waffles?" "You can't make those without using the stove. How about some toast with orange juice? That's easy to make!" "Toast! Yes!! I can make bacon too?" "Not today." "Fine... Hurry up with reading the letter!" He ran off and I chuckled. It's almost the same without our parents, just without them... It's a good thing he's growing up not worrying about it. I'm also already used to it. I opened the envelope and took the letter for me. It was in cursive. It said,
Dear Detective Luke,
I've heard of your good deductions for solving many cases. I'm hoping you can follow my letter carefully. I don't want there to be a misunderstanding. I am willing to have you for a secret case. I can't tell you who I am at all for I'm not involved in this. My friend was captured and I can't do anything at all. They have told me not to get involved which is already suspicious! The only thing I can tell you is that I'll meet you today at 6:30 pm. There's a street called Kirkwood, where there's a public bar named The Unknown. I want to meet you there, I'll be covering my true identity. I don't want anyone to know where we meet or about the case. If someone asks you, tell them that you can't say anything, and walk away. Hopefully, they won't trail you. So, summarizing, all of this a secret. I'm counting on you, Detective Luke. I'll be seeing you this afternoon.
Secret person
I sat down on my bed, closed the letter and put it in my drawer. Someone wanted me to do something about someone kidnapped but they couldn't be involved?! This is gonna be confusing. "Luke! Are you coming to eat or not?" "Yes, I am. I'll be right there." He ran off and I started my way to the dining room. I saw the toast with butter, with Jam in the middle of the table and orange juice ready. "You did another good job, Will. Are you coming to eat?" Silence, no sound came from the kitchen. "Will?! I'm going to the kitchen!" I walked into the kitchen and didn't see him. Where did he go?!? "Will! Where are you?!" Then, I think I knew where he was. I ran to my room and opened the door. He was opening my drawer to where the letter was. "Wilson! Stop doing what you are doing!!" He stopped and sat on my bed which I haven't fixed yet. "What do you have to say for yourself?!" "I'm sorry... It's just, ok! You neve tell me whenever you have a letter what it's about! Not even when they come from our family members! The only letter you read to me are from sister!" I grabbed my hair with one hand and took deep breaths. "Will, look. I can't with this one. But if you want me to read the letter, then tell me. If I refuse, you criticize me what you just said right now. I know it's selfish of me to not read them. But this letter!" I grabbed the letter from my drawer and held in the air. "This is an important case for me. No one has to know about this. It's a secret. I can't go telling to you because you might accidentally tell someone and that might cause problems to both of us. Do you understand, Will?" He was looking down and he nodded. I crouched to where he could see me without looking up at him. "Hey, I'm not busy today until 6pm. I can take you out and then ask sister if she can stay with you for a few days. How about that?" He got happy and excited. "Really?! I can go visit sister?!" "Of course, it'll be better while I'm too busy to take care of you. I'll just have to ask her but I can convince her to!" "Yay!" He hugged me and I hugged back. "Now, c'mon on. Breakfast is gonna be eaten by bugs!" "Not on my watch!" He ran back outside while I folded the letter into the pocket of my jacket. I'll come back for you. I have to get rid of the letter and just have the address with also the important details.
It was 3pm and I had taken Will to the park, then to a museum of his choice. He wanted to see the dinosaur's museum, again. We arrived at home and he was already bored. "Bored? Don't you have anything to do?" "No!" "Do you have homework?" "Uh... Yes." "Then do all of it so you won't have to do it tomorrow. I'll be making a call. Don't you dare overhear my conversation! It's very rude! Understood?" "Yes, Luke." He went off to his room and I went to the living room to sit on the couch. Then, I marked my sister's number. Please pick up, please pick up! "Hello?" "Hey, Kristy. It's Luke. How are you right now?" "Luke! It's been awhile since you called! Like 5 months! I had a big hunch that you were dead or something!" "Pardon?" "Sorry, with that job you could get in big problems! Anyway, I'm fine. Thanks. How about you? Any new cases or not?" "Um, yes. I wanted to talk about that actually." "Wait, before you talk about your case, how's my little brother, Will, doing?" Before I could respond, Will came out his room. "I don't have a pencil. Do you have one?" "Will, do you want talk with Kristy?" "Yes!!" I put the call to speaker. "Actually, Kristy. Will is here already." "Hi Kristy! I miss you so much!" "Hi ya, little bro! How are you doing?" "I'm good! Luke's a great brother! Though sometimes I do disobey him..." "It's for your good, you have to follow the rules to be successful. You aren't being too harsh to him, are you Luke?" "Of course not! I don't get mad at him almost at all!" "Did you tell her yet, Luke?" "Tell me what? What were you-" "Will, here's a pencil to do your homework. I'll tell her. I'll need privacy." "Oh, okay. Bye, Kristy! I have to finish my homework!" "Bye, Will. I hope to see you sometime." Will left and I put back to regular talking. "Kristy, is it okay if he stayed with you for maybe a few weeks?" "Weeks?! I thought days but weeks?" "It's because of my new case!" "Tell me about the case." I took a deep breath and responded back. "Someone random gave me a case to solve but the thing is everything is a secret. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I don't who sent me the letter, which I'm going to help and I can't tell anyone about it." "It does sounds risky... Don't do anything dangerous, Luke! I don't want to lose you!" "I know it's dangerous! That's why I want to have Will safe! I want him to be with you. Can you keep him there for I don't know how long. Can you? Kristy?" "I think I can, Luke. As long you keep yourself safe as well. " I will, Kristy. I always do. I wouldn't be alive right now. I have to go somewhere at 6, so you can you pick him up before I leave?" "Yeah, I'll get there by 5. Do you think he'll like Chris?" "Who's, Chris?" "Oh! I totally forgot to tell you! He's my boyfriend! We've known each for 3 months now! We meet each other at the clinic! Turns out, he's been working there for awhile now! So, we became friends and then fell in love! *Sigh* What about you? Don't you have anyone?" "I don't have time for that! I have Will, and my job. I got responsibility." "Aw, c'mon Luke! Have some fun!" "I do have fun! I took Will to the park, companied him and watched by his side at the dinosaur's museum! Again. So, you will do it?" "Yes, Luke. Anyway, I must get going now. Chris invited me for dinner. I'll come and get him after we finish. You'll get to meet him, he's a fun person to be with." "Right, I'll see you soon then. Bye." "Bye!" She hanged up and stayed sitting on the couch still. It'll be quiet without Will but it's for the best. I don't want him to be in danger. I walked to Will's room and opened the door slowly. I saw his homework display on his table and he was asleep over it. I sighed and closed the door. I'll let him sleep. I'll miss him.
It was 4:55 and Will was arguing with me. "I said I did wanted to visit Kristy a few days but a few WEEKS?! Why?!" "Will, I've told you already. I have a secret case and it doesn't make sense! I don't want you to be here until I finish this case. I wouldn't have time to take care of you when you're here. Besides, you'll have time to be with her. You don't have the chance to be with her lately. I want you to be careful and follow her rules. They should be related to mine. Don't sleep at a late hour, don't go by yourself in the dark, don't eat too much. Eat until you are full, don't eat too much junk food, a little bit is fine. Don't talk to strangers, even if they have candy or want to show you something. Stay with Kristy. You can't trust completely her boyfriend, Chris. Yet, until I know if he's good for her. I don't really know if he's fit for her... Understood?" "Yes, I memorized them. Fine... How long could it take, Luke?" "I really don't know. Hopefully, I'll find out tonight what it's about." I heard honking outside and saw someone's car with Kristy inside. Chris's car. I sighed and bent myself to see Will's face. "Time to go. I can't really stay to talk with her nor her boyfriend. I'll miss you, little buddy." "I'll miss you too... You sure you can't do this case?" "I wish I could but I don't know what it's about. I'll tell Kristy when I'm done. Alright?" He nodded and I kissed him on his forehead. "Love you." "I love you too." I opened the door and saw only Kristy went out. "Luke!! It's been so long!" She hugged me and I hugged her back. "We literally heard each other on the phones hours ago!" "I know! But it's been 5 months since I haven't seen you! And Will! How are you?" "I'm good." "You guys should go. It's 5:15. I have to get ready to go, somewhere." "Here, little guy. I can take that for you." "Will, go with him. I have to talk with Luke." He nodded and went with Chris. "Where, Luke? I know I'm not supposed to know but I must know! I really care for you! I won't tell anyone!" I held my breath for a few seconds and signaled her to come closer. "I'm not telling ya." She pushed me away. "Luke!!!" I laughed and Will and Chris came to the scene. "What's so funny?" "You don't want to know! I said as I kept laughing. Kristy looked upset but shook it off and pushed at me. "I'll get you next time! C'mon, Will. Time to go.Luke, I'm hoping you'll come back to the house when it's all over. I won't respond to you if you're calling that's over!" "Yeah, yeah. Bye!" I closed the door and I got ready for my secret visit.
I had my long detective coat along with a fedora, so no one could really tell who I was. I finally arrived at my destination and it was 5:55. Here goes nothing, as I walked into the pub called The Unknown. There weren't as much people like there was mostly in the later night but it was still crowded. I sat down somewhere and a waitress came to ask what I wanted. I shook my head so I wouldn't say anything. I looked around for anyone who would be interested in me. I waited a few minutes when I checked my time and It was 6:00. I looked at the corner of my eye but I only saw a group of tough guys looking at me suspiciously. They could be trouble, when we leave... It's unlucky I didn't bring my Glock... I should I kept in my coat in case something bad happened... Then, I saw someone get up from their table and tapped at my shoulder. I looked up and saw they had a mask but almost couldn't tell with the hat. "Let's go, before trouble happens. And I mean, like now." I couldn't tell it was male or female but I hoped it was the person that sent me the letter. We had to pass the table with tough guys, hopefully we get out quickly without trouble. As we were about to leave, someone grabbed my arm tight, I gasped and turned around. "Going somewhere, Detective?" He whispered. Oh God, He knows I'm a detective! But I didn't do anything wrong. "Let go! I did nothing wrong!" "Naw, you're coming with us!" I looked behind to see if the person was there but they were gone. Was this a trap?! Did someone wrote me a letter so I can be trapped?!
End of chapter 1! New different story will be published! Hope you guys have a nice day and be safe! (I hope to keep writing because I love this app! Please support me and no haters. We don't like them. If it's too much here, I'll have to report you but I haven't seen people harsh much at all.)
Mystery / ThrillerMany detectives have disappeared and no one knows why. They are all set up by the same letter. One detective escape but is still in danger. It's up to one detective to save them, along with two new friends to help, they have to solve the mystery. Th...