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"Ohhhh no." Drake says as he is cornered by the girl. "Drop the swords thief." growls the girl. "Or I'll behead you like a chicken!" Drake yelps and sets the swords down, afraid of the girl. "My name is Katherine. But my friends call me Hawk. "Well," she sighs sadly, "if I had any." "My names Drake" Drake answers. She was suprised. "My apologies Rider. Take the swords. I promise I won't hurt you or your friends." She looked concerned and a little awed by his stature. "You know, most of the girls talk about you." Said hawk, chuckling. "I know that already." Drake snapped as he gathers the swords. "But I'll see ya later?" He asked, smiling kindly. Kat smiles. "Yea sure. Meet me by the docks." they set off and hours later, they meet back up and talks for quite sometime. Kat shivered, "D-Drake?" She asked nervously. "Yes?" He asked but he was startled by a kiss. She had kissed him!! "W-Wha?!" He exclaimed blushing. "I love you." said Hawk. "I have started loving you when I saw your face, and I decide to tell you." Drake smiles and kisses her forehead. "and I love you as well."

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