60~ There for You

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"But that is the truth." I sighed and opened my eyes to see her bewildered expression.

"No, no! I am certain you would never do that, Austin. Just say you are wrong." She shook my shoulder, and I gulped down the lump in my throat.

"I wish I could tell Lydia that, but I can't. I had a chance to save him, but as a despicable son, I let him die. I was the cause of his death. I killed my dad." My words trailed off as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I still do not believe this until you tell me the whole story." She shrieked in fury.

"If that is how you believe me, then, yes, I will share my story with you." I prepared to reveal my dark past, but then a flood of memories hit me like it was yesterday.


"So, Austin, how is work going at your new company?" Dad asked us to go downstairs to his room, so we settled in on the bed.

"It has been a month since I joined, and things are going well, Dad. I am enjoying it." I grinned at him, and he smiled back.

"That's great. Wait, where is Sophie? I didn't see her for an hour."

"Ah! She did not tell you? She may be afraid to say, Anyway, I dropped her off at her friend's house for a sleepover."

"Wow, she tells you everything. Doesn't she?" Dad raised an eyebrow at me.

"Of course, Dad! I am her brother, right?" I questioned him again, and he nodded.

"I just hope that continues forever, Austin." He touched my hand with an emotional look.

"It will, Dad. Do not worry." I reassured him and checked the time on the wall clock.

"Woah! It is almost five o'clock. I need to leave, Dad. My friend recently started a company and invited me to the party." I rose up.

"Is it mandatory? I don't feel like letting you go, son." His expression softened, and I wonder why.

"What's wrong, dad? Is anything bothering you?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I do not want to part with you as I am sensing bad energy. Please stay. Don't go." I sighed as he begged.

"It's okay, dad. I swear that nothing bad will happen to me and I will be back in an hour. By the way, Max is accompanying me, so no worries." I made an effort to persuade him.

"Still, Austin, don't go. Please, stay with me." My heart tightened at his seeming pitiful demeanour.

"Oh, dad! I cannot turn that guy away right now because he was there for me when I needed him. Please understand me and let me go. I promise to return in an hour." I begged him again, but he did not seem to be persuaded.

"Please, dad!"

"Alright, Austin. Just be safe."

"Yes." I turned to face him before turning to leave the room with a smile.

"But where is mom?"

"She is waiting for her friends to arrive in the guest room."


"She may probably thrown a few house party like always."

"Alright. I will see you shortly. Bye." I trotted outside the house, waved at him, and found Rob.

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