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Lucy stepped forward "I am sure you are all hungry, so can you please follow me"

Lucy started walking toward the left side of the room. Her eyes flashed gold and a door suddenly started to form, once it was fully formed, she reached for the door handle and pushed it open. Lucy then turned to face the group "Come on this way" she then walked through the door.

The group all slowly got up and followed her. When they walked through they were shocked to see a large table with lots of different types of food and drink laid out.

"Have a seat?" Lucy said gesturing to the chairs "Eat something while I get ready for the next memory" after Lucy said that she walked out of the room.

The group sat down at the chairs Arthur at the top of the table Gwen next to him the knights and Merlin next to them.

"Yes!" Gwaine exclaimed "There is ale" the rest rolled their eyes.

They started to eat after a minute of silence Arthur cleared his throat getting everyone's attention " I have been thinking, I am going to remove the ban on magic where we get back" he announced looking at Merlin.

Hearing this Merlin got a tear in his eyes "Are you serious" he asked his voice shakily

"Yes, I am, your free Merlin" Arthur said with a smile

Merlin stood up and walked over to Arthur and hugged him "Thank you, thank you" he wisped repeatedly, tears in his eyes.

Arthur returned the hug after a moment the two separated looking awkward. Merlin looked around the group which all had warm smiles on their faces, he looked at Mordred "I said we would be free one day didn't I"

"I know Emrys you did," Mordred said with a big smile

"It will take a while, but it will happen. I promise" Arthur said thinking about the counsel.

Merlin then walked back to his seat his smile never leaving his face. "A toast to magic," Gwaine said holding up his gantlet.

"To magic" they all cheered lifting the gantlets in the air.

"To Albion," Merlin and Mordred said to each other in their minds.

After they had all finished the food which contends a lot of laughter and smiles and drinks (mostly Gwaine). Lucy walked back in "Would you all please come back to the screen room the next memory is ready"

They all got up and walked back through the door once the last person went through the door disappeared. They all sat in their chairs ready for the next memory.


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Watching the past (Merlin)Where stories live. Discover now