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Lucy walked back into the room "The food is set up; you can go in now" she turned her head to the side and her eyes glowed gold, and the doo started to form again. When it was fully formed the group walked throw it to see the same room as last time

Sitting down in the same seats as last time, they all being to eat. After a couple of minutes of quiet eating.

"I think the memories should have names" Gawain spoke up, he looked around the table

"It would be easier to keep track of them" Merlin shrugged "What should we call the first one," he asked looking around the table

"It would be easier to keep track of them" Merlin shrugged "What should we call the first one," he asked looking around the table

"How about we call it 'The Dragons call'" Elyan suggested "Because the dragon called Merlin throughout the memory so we could tell him about his destiny"

"Ok. What about the second one" Merlin asked

"Well, it was about the guy Valiant. So, we could call it 'Valiant'" Gawain suggested taking a sip of this ale

"Year that sound good" Percival agreed

"What about the memory we just watched," Leon asked

"Well since this is the first time, we saw Nimueh we could call it 'The mark of Nimueh'" Mordred suggested

"I agree," Merlin said

The group settled into a comfortable silence as they finished their food. Once they had finished their food Lucy walked into the dining room "If you come with me, I will show your chambers for the time being" she said gesturing her hand towards the door.

They all got up from their seats and followed her back into the room where they were watching the memories and up to 2 doors with their names painted on them:

Door 1 had Arthur and Gwen- There room

Door 1 had Arthur and Gwen- There room

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Door 2 had Merlin and the knights.

(An: imagine there are another three opposite these beds, and their names are painted in gold on the headboard)

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(An: imagine there are another three opposite these beds, and their names are painted in gold on the headboard)

"There should be night clothes on your bed. I will wake you all up in the morning to watch more of the memories" Lucy told them, she nodded her head to Arthur and Gwen before leaving the group.

"Well, good night," Arthur said, he then walked into his chamber with Gwen who nodded her head to the group, the door shut to their chambers leaving the knights and Merlin.

"Let's go in," Gawain said opening the door of the chamber

When they walked in, they saw a round room with six beds agents the wall their names embroidered with gold string on the headboards with a chest next to it with night clothes on.

They all walked over to their beds and begin to get changed.

Before taking his tunic off Merlin muttered a glamour spell to hide all of his scares that were littered all over his body not wanting the group to see them. Once they were all changed the knights got into their beds.

"Night lads," Gawain said

M- "Night"

L- "Night"

E- "Night"

P- "Night"

"Night" Merlin said he then blew out the candles and got into his bed

Over in Arthur and Gwen's chamber

Arthur and Gwen were laying in their bed Gwen's head on his chest.

"How are you after today," she asked

"It was a lot to take in" he signed "I mean Merlin has magic, something I grew up to think people with magic were evil and monsters, but Merlin isn't any of the things he is kind and loyal"

"I know this is a lot to take in, me as well, but I am glad he has magic to keep you safe and bring you back when you get into danger," Gwen said looking up at Arthur with a loving smile on his face "Get some sleep, Arthur"

"Ok, Good night my love"

Sometime later, over in the knights and Merlin's room

The knights were all sleeping peacefully, but Merlin was having one of his recurring nightmares

The nightmare:

In a battlefield, dead knights lay on the ground, and a figure walked over the bodies. Arthur stood with blood sweat and mud on his face, he looked at the person with betrayal.

The figure came into view reviling it was Mordred with armour on which had Morgana's crest on.

They stared at each other until Mordred swung his sword at Arthur, he blocked, pulling his sword away Mordred caught Arthur off guard and thrust his sword into his stomach. Arthur fell to the ground.

"Merlin! Merlin!" Gawain said shaking Merlin awake

Merlin sat up panting and sweating, looking confused

"Are you all right mate?" Gawain asked concerned

Merlin nodded looking around seeing all the knights when he saw Mordred he flinched and looked away

"What was the dream about?" Percival asked concerned for his friend

"It was nothing" Merlin tried to deny

"Merlin you were shouting, that doesn't sound like nothing," Leon said in a serious tone

"I don't want to talk about it" Merlin muttered looking down at his sheets

"Are you sure?" Elyan said in a soft tone

"Yes, you will probably see it in these memorise," Merlin told them glancing at Mordred "We should get some more sleep for tomorrow"

"Ok, but if you have another nightmare, you are telling us what happed in it" Gawain warned

"Ok, night," Merlin said before laying back down in his bed. The knight all walked back to their beds

Luckily Merlin didn't have another nightmare.

In the morning, when the whole group got up, got dressed they left the room to see Lucy waiting for them with a smile on her face.

"I am sure you are all hunger, so you can have breakfast then watch the next memory" Lucy informed them. They followed her into the dining room and sat down for breakfast, after they had all eaten, they walked back into the main room so they can watch the next memory. Lucy's eyes flashed gold and the memory started.  

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