Chapter 44

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Green paint and car rides

"So you're 95 years old? Damn, that's old," Ivy muttered after Steve told her about the Anvengers. "Well, I'm still kind of 27. The time in the ice doesn't count" Steve said offended and Ivy nodded mockingly. "I'll have to disappoint you, Grandpa, you're old" Ivy teased him and Steve rolled his eyes as he helped Ivy color her room green. Since Fury hadn't allowed her to leave headquarters, she had written down a list of things she needed to decorate the room and Steve had gotten them for her. Apparently, Ivy's favorite color was green, or she was just in the mood to color her room green today.

"Compared to Thor, I'm still young. He's over a thousand years old" Steve countered and Ivy hummed. "I still can't believe there are gods" she muttered and Steve smiled. The Ivy from 1945 would have thundered him with questions and would have probably fainted from the excitement in Thor's presence. "What was he like? I can't imagine how cool it must have been to spend time with him!" she said excitedly and Steve smirked. Now she sounded more like Ivy from 1945. "He was all right."

"All right? All right Steve? You're all right, but we're talking about a god here" Ivy got excited and Steve chuckled quietly to himself. "You missed a spot up there" he noted with a smirk and Ivy glared at him warnigly. "I know what I'm doing" she said, grabbing a chair to stand on and reach the spot.

"What about the doctor, Banner? He's really turning into a," Ivy threw her arms up wildly, trying to mimic the Hulk. A few drops of the green paint flew in her face as she did so, and Steve bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. She would kill him later, but he wouldn't tell her about the green paint on her face for now.

"Yeah, he's turning into the Hulk. You shouldn't made him angry. But Banner is smart. He and Tony are probably two of the smartest men I've met" Steve told her and Ivy remembered what Steve had told her about Tony. "And Tony is a smart billionaire who built himself a super suit. If I had that kind of money, I'd spend it on books" Ivy mumbled the last part and Steve grinned. Even without her memories, her love for books was still there.

"So the only two team members  without any powers or super expensive equipment who fought a god and his alien army are Natasha and Agent Barton? Damn they're badass!" marveled Ivy with a smile. Steve turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "I don't have any super suit or superpowers either" he said and Ivy looked at him dryly. "You have some weird blue serum running through your body. And if I threw you out the window you maybe would be able to survive it."

Steve looked out of the window and then looked at Ivy in horror. "It's the 27th floor." "That's why I said maybe" Ivy replied with a smirk, hearing Steve gasp in horror beside her. A moment later, she felt something liquid hit her face. She wiped the green paint from her face and looked angrily at Steve, who was painting the wall with an innocent smile. "You just started a war, Captain."

Ivy dabbed her paintbrush into the green paint and stroked it across Steve's face. Steve froze out of shock, bevor he slowly trief to brush the paint off his face. The emphasize was on tried. "You are truly Hulk's twin brother. How did I miss it?" she joked with a grin and Steve reached for the bucket of paint.

"Think carefully about your next move, Steve" she warned him, taking a few safe steps away from him. "I already have. I have a very convincing picture in my head" he replied with a grin and Ivy's eyes went wide. "Nope, I'm out" Ivy muttered and ran out of the room. "You can't run away from your problems!" laughed Steve as he ran after her with the bucket of paint. He took his time, giving Ivy a chance to think she was faster than him. "Watch me!" Ivy yelled back as she ran through the hallways of Shield's  headquarters, already having a little green paint on her face.

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