174 15 5

07:00 AM Sydney Time.

A: Hey good morning

A: Hey?

A: oh okay i forgot that you are sleeping rn. text me back when you wake up. x

07:15 WIB

Gue denger ayam udah ngga berkokok lagi. Ampun Bea, lo kebo banget. Duh gue langsung nyari hp. Jam 7 pagi, masih pengen tidur  :(

Eh tapi kok ada 3 pesan? Pasti dari cowo gaje itu. Dihh

Gue ga peduli sm messages dia. Gue buka twitter, buka notifications. Ngga banyak notifs sih, paling cuma '@... retweeted your retweet' ngenes banget ya :')

Gue ngecek timeline, ya paling gitu doang, spams, say good morning/night ke 5sos, atau ngevote. Terus gue ngecek list 5sos yang gue buat dan itu privasi, ya karena kadang twitter is being a shit. Ada tweet Ash jam 03:01 AM 'Good morning beautiful peoples '. Kadang gue gasuka timezones, bukan kadang sih, EMANG GASUKA. Timezone sucks. Gue ngebales

'@smashafi: @Ashton5SOS hey i just woke up. morning sunshine.'

Gue keinget sama 3 sms dari cowo gaje itu. Ya udah gue ngecek & bales sms dia.

Bea: Hi sorry just wake up lol

5 menit kemudian


Bea: Don't use capslock or i'll never reply you back

A: I'm sorry, Bea. Btw did you text me in Indonesian language last night?


A: Don't use capslock ;(

Zoe: lol sorry. yeah my name is Bea and i texted you in indonesian language bc you're annoying

A: am i?

Bea: Yeah, you are.

Bea: You texted me while i'm sleeping at 3 am here..

A: I forgot about the timezones.

Bea: btw, whats your name? Your real name, not just an initial dude.

A: just call me A ;)

Bea: oh god you're still annoying. Brb gonna take shower.

A: Iya oke

paling translate, duh.

Anjir nih cowo, aussie tp ngesms gue pake bahasa indo. Weird. Gue langsung ambil handuk udah diteriakin sama nyokap juga supaya mandi, terus pergi mandi deh


Kalo kalian mikir knp Bea-nya langsung tau yg ngesms dia itu aussie ya karena dia udah ngesearch di google Australia code phone number. Lol

(( usernamenya random ))

Vomments & kritik ? Tysm ily if you're reading this. x

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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