Chapter 64

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Everyone disheveled their meal and occupied themselves with me when I announced I was pregnant. Hugs and kisses rained down on me. It was all love, a love I hadn't felt in a long time, other than what Reece had already made me feel. Natalie began to cry. I was amazed at how happy she was. With a very fatherly clap, Jay congratulated me by tightly hugging me. Samantha also shed happy tears, and Joseph and the kids cheered for me. And then there was Reece. Seeing Reece so happy with his parents and laughing and smiling openly brought tears to my eyes. Had I really done that? His eyes were filled with warm admiration and adoration when they met mine. He gazed at me as if I were a dream come true for him.

'You complete the family, Cat. I've never seen mom and dad this happy before. And look at Reece, he looks so carefree. That's not a sight that you get to see very often,' Sam said, sitting next to me.

"Everything happened so fast," I said after turning to look at her.

"Everything happens for a reason, you know? When something is meant to happen, it happens."

"Is it really so?"

Don't you realize you were always meant to be with Reece?"

"What if he had never been introduced to me by your father? Would he have met me and felt the same things he felt now?" I asked, feeling jittery suddenly. She squeezed my hand.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?"

"Sure." I nervously smiled at her when she stood, and I followed her lead.

We are going for a walk, momma. Will you still be here when we get back?" Samantha asked. Everyone turned to us, and I caught Reece's attention. My expectation was for him to give me a green light, but I only received a forced, tight smile in response. I wondered why he wasn't okay with me being alone with Samantha. Sam's eyes flickered towards his, and it was as if they were telepathically communicating through their minds. His eyes grew sharper, but Samantha's eyes became more empathetic. Was she given a warning?

"Come here, Catherine," Natalie said, opening her arms to me. The two of us embraced tightly.

"Leaving so soon?" I asked. She rubbed my arms.

"Unfortunately, we have to leave right now, but when you guys get back, I would love to have dinner with you."

"That would be great," I smiled. Jay joined us moments later, and I said my goodbyes to them before turning to Reece. Before I could approach Reece, Samantha pulled me away. I followed her lead outside, and we walked together until we were a long way from the house. The air was crisper and colder in New York, so I hugged myself in order to maintain some heat as we approached her vast garden. Initially, we walked without saying a word, but as the silence stretched between us drove me insane, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Your house is really beautiful, Sam."

"My husband designed the layout, then surprised me with it during our honeymoon phase," she beamed. I look at her, smiling at her contagious smile. She looked so proud of her husband's work.

"He did an excellent job."

Now, let's get back to you for a moment," she said, halting her steps.

"What about me?"

"You have doubts," she said matter-of-factly. Sadly, I sighed and turned to her.

"Would he have chosen me out of hundreds of women interviewing for my position if not for Jay?"

"Yes! Why do you do that to yourself?" She scolded me.

"It feels too good to be true," I said, in a small voice.

The man is not God, you know?"

"Yes, but he's perfect."

No one is perfect. He might seem perfect for you, but everyone has faults."

"And what is his flaw?" I asked. At first, she didn't reply. After that, she suddenly turned and walked to a bench she had installed in her garden, and sat down. Following her, I sat down beside her. As her body turned towards me, she looked deeply into my eyes before letting her words flow freely.

"His anger is his flaw," she said gravely, shaking her head at the knowledge.

"As everyone else, isn't it?"

His anger is different, Catherine," she continued, her voice getting softer and softer as if she were scared someone would hear her. Her words took me back in time when I first witnessed his anger. And it resulted in someone's death and damnation.

"Will he ever harm me, Sam?"

"He won't hurt you, but he will hurt someone for you," she affirmed. Taking a deep breath, I glanced away. When I re-examined her face, I saw she knew so much. Her look confirmed this.

"Has he hurt anyone before?" I asked cautiously, pretending to not be aware of Reece's dark side. But I felt there was more to it than what I already knew. Samantha knew everything, so I wanted to absorb and process whatever she shared with me.

"He hurt someone for me before," she said, looking down.

"Hurt or kill?" I inquired as I drew closer to her. I expected her to be startled. The truth is that I did not know what expression to expect, but I certainly did not expect her eyes to soften from the knowledge that I was aware of something dark about her brother. I confirmed her suspicions, and she confirmed mine.

"What do you think?"


"Before Joseph, I dated a very abusive man named Jimmy Bartley. We were almost engaged before things went sour."

"What happened?"

"He used to beat me, and I went months without speaking to my family because of him."

"When did you realize that enough was enough?"

"After I realized he would not change the third time I stayed." Samantha closed her eyes as if she were reminiscing her past, and it moved my heart. I squeezed her hand, and she finally opened her eyes to look at me.

"Reece came to save you," I stated matter-of-factly. Because that's what he does. He protects.

"When it comes to his loved ones, my brother doesn't think about the consequences."

"So Jimmy went to jail?" I played along, hoping to learn something important about Reece from her. When she looked at me, I noticed her eyes were filled with uncertainty. Uncertain whether she should tell me or not. Through her contemplation, I read her mind. Biting her lip, she looked away.

"He got what he deserved. Come, let's go back inside before the kids start going crazy," she nervously laughed, getting up.

"Samantha, wait."

"You should ask him whatever it is that you want to know, Catherine."

"You know he won't tell me anything, don't you?"

"Some things are better left unsaid."

"He's the father of my child, Sam. I deserve to know everything about him. All I know is his favorite color and his favorite hobby. I know nothing about his past because he won't talk about it. But you can tell me."

"What do you want to know? Aren't the basics what matter?"

The past matters to me. I want to know what he used to do in his prime time. I want to know what he did in London, and where it all started."

It seems you already know something, don't you?" she asked frantically. Nervously, I swallowed.

"Tell me everything," I pleaded. 

"Catherine, I'm really not supposed to be telling you anything about his past. I'm told not to open my mouth about it. My parents warned me too." Her parents? Why would Jay and Natalie keep secrets from me?

"What is it that you can't tell me?" I pressed on, my heart racing frantically in my chest.

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