Chapter 23

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I lean against the window overlooking the city, perspirations sticking onto my skin. I inhale and exhale in balance to keep myself from passing out. There's thick tension in the air around us. The temperature in the room has changed drastically, one minute cooling me and the next, burning me to the core.

Molten lava is bursting in the room. Fires of fury is dancing in his eyes, changing his features completely. I watch it happen, and I can't look away. Reece advances towards me slowly and I watch all the greys in his eyes turn black like the dark abyss. He looks hard and deep into my eyes, challenging me to look away if I dare. But I can't look away. I'm paralyzed by so many emotions running through me, gluing me to my spot. I close my eyes to slip away from the intensity of his gaze and to also think of ways I can get out of this. 

I come back short. I feel the proximity of him closing in on me, cornering me against the wall, and blocking my way out. His shadow looms over me through my closed lids and I finally open my eyes to acknowledge him. He's angry by the note and I know he demands answers. His jaw tightens, and his expression hardens. 

"Who gave you this note?" He's deadly calm when he asks, keeping a stony look on his face. Reece Dean is completely clouding my judgement and I can't seem to find a way out. He has me right where he wants me. I try hard to think of an excuse, a different answer in this scenario but I can't seem to find my tongue.  

"Please...just let it go," I whisper. 

"I won't ask again, Catherine. Who gave you this note?" His voice is deadly, and low. His fists are clenched, and he is rigid with fury. I watch his pupils dilate as he desperately waits for my answer. I shake my head, and decide it's best to ignore him but moving past him but before I could go anywhere, he has me slammed back against the window. The impact of my back against the window has all the air whooshing out of me. Reece's hand advances towards me, and slides around my throat. Fearing him of choking me, I close my eyes again and brace for the impact, but it never comes. His hand slides up until he's cupping my face with gentle grip. 


"Am I scaring you?" He mumbles against my lips. 

"Yes," I answer, truthfully. I've never seen this side of him before. I try so hard to relax under his strong hand, but I can't. 

"Who are you trying to protect?" I lean my head against the window. Protect? I could dwell on the double meaning behind his words, but it won't do me any good. I know he's not accusing me of anything and I know in my heart there's no one I'd rather protect than what's really important here. 

"This deal." This deal that could potentially break because of me. My honesty weighs heavily on me like a ton of bricks, and my eyes well in moisture. Some sort of a realization dawns on him, and he lets me go, simply stepping back. The draft of sudden cool air from the lack of his touch is unwelcoming. I don't know what I have unleashed here but I could see it flash across his features. 

"Get ready, Ms. White. We have a party to attend to." And just like that he's out the door, ripping the note into pieces as he goes. I slide down the window, and sit on the floor, contemplating on what just unfolded here. A questions weighs heavily on me apart from anything and everything else. I never told him who it was that gave me the note, but I have a feeling something deadly is going to unfold at the party tonight. 

What's going to happen tonight?

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