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Exercise 7 - Backwards 

Here I was, once again alone. I was sitting under a large tree, my back against its large trunk facing away from the hell that was the rest of my high school. Now you're probably wondering why it was such a hell. The three princesses as they call themselves ruled the school.... or that's what they believed anyways. They walked around the school like they owned it. When they walked down the corridors a path would literally form just so they could walk through without any trouble. Me on the other hand would get jostled around as if I was a ball and they were playing piggy in the middle. 

What's weird though is that they used to be my friends (we used to be the four princesses). I guess our whole fight thing meant that I was now probably the most hated person in the whole school. Now that I think of it, the whole fight was kind of stupid. It was just over the fact that put my family over them.  

What do they expect? Of course I'd put my family over them. I love my family. But they said that they weren't important enough to me and so now apparently I wasn't important enough to them... apparently I wasn't important enough to the rest of the school now that I wasn't friends with them.  

It was kind of crazy that day though. We were just having our daily four-way conference call talking about boys, new shops, clothes, cosmetics, gossip about others at our school and celebrities when we planned a shopping trip to the new mall that was opening near us.  

My grandmother had passed away the morning of that day and the funeral was the day we'd planned to go so I told them I couldn't go. Then they all started bursting into a string of "What the hell?", "Don't you love us?", "Were you ever our friend?", "So you're putting your family in front of us?". Yeah, you get the idea. 

Before all of that happened, school was amazing. The morning of that conversation had been as normal as any other day. I walked into the school, met my friends at our usual place and then got talking. It was a Monday morning so we were just chatting about what we'd done that weekend.  

Once the bell had rung, we walked towards our roll call room the people splitting down the middle so we could walk through. Girls stared at us, boys stared at us. I guess it was easy to say that we were at the top of the social pyramid.  

I had friends, I was at the top of the school and I was popular. Now I have no friends, I'm at the bottom of the school and popular is an antonym to my name.

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