singing in car

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whats up


just wanted to talk to you


well i certainly can talk

i just finished all my homework for the weekend

if that is so ....

do you want to hang out tonight

i somewhat miss you 

just somewhat

fine maybe i miss you fully

plus i'll see you tomorrow night

but yes

i will hang out with you

i need to take my mind off of this biology

sounds good

i'll pick you up in ten? 

yeah sure

where are we going

that is for me to know and you to find out

well i need to know how to dress

very casual 

ill see you in a bit


     I don't think I have ever been this nervous to see a boy. My hands start to shake as I pull out a pair of jeans and a black crop top. I pair it with a black and white flannel, and white converse. Even though he said very casual, I didn't want to show up in sweatpants. Plus, I think we have to different ideas of casual after seeing our last meeting. 

    In all my 19 years of living, I have never had a boy ask me to hang out with him because he missed me after seeing him only two nights ago. Especially after the first time meeting. But, I did miss him too, I was just scared to say it. At least we are on the same page about that. Sorry Elora. 

    A few minutes later, while I'm sitting in my kitchen, a light knock echos through the downstairs. I open the door, and as I had guessed, Kai Pierce was right there. I took a quick second to see his outfit. He was wearing gray sweatpants, and a black shirt that hugged him perfectly. Maybe it would have been fine if I had worn sweatpants. Oh well. 

    I look up to find his smiling face. "Hey," was all he said, and yet a thousand butterflies flew around my stomach. "Ready to go? Sorry, I was a few minutes early." 

    "Yeah, I'm ready." I peak around his shoulder, and find his car in my driveway. "I see as though we aren't walking." 

    "Nope. Sadly, no piggyback rides today. Though I did very much enjoy it the other night." he said, making heat rise to my cheeks. 

    "So I wore walking shoes for nothing!" I point down to my converse, emphasing the change from the other nights heels. Even though this outfit was no where near nice enough for me to be wearing heels, I still wanted to tease him. It also gave me an excuse to try and hear his laugh again. It worked. 

    "Sorry, sorry. I'll make sure to tell you next time, Stoll." The nickname made my cheeks even more red, and I could see that he was able to tell. He just smiled again, gesturing me to go to the car. When I sat down, I was surprised by how clean the car was. Most male cars I have been in have fast food leftovers all over the floor. It was refreshing. 

     "So, where off to?" I question, trying to keep the conversation going. 

     "You'll find out when we get there. Nice try." He glances over at me, sending me another one of his warm smiles. If I could put it in a bottle and drink it, it would probably taste like hot chocolate on Christmas Eve. I could look at it all day. I fell out of my daze when I heard him laugh. I looked up, and realized he caught me staring. I turned my face, covering my red face with my hands. This just made him laugh even more. 

     "It's fine Stoll. I think your cute too," This practically sent me off the planet. I knew my cheeks were still red, but I put my hands down, letting my eyes follow to the outside of the window. Autumn leaves were falling, leaving their trees. 

    After that comment, Kai turned up the radio. It's Not Living (if its not with you) by the 1975 came on. When he could tell I knew the song, he turned it up. When I turned to look at him, he was staring back at me. He was silently mouthing the lyrics, bobbing his head in the process. I laughed at him, and I saw his eyes wander to my lips. I decided to try and change the way this was going. 

    "I'll I do is sit and think about you," I sang aloud with the song. He smiled and started singing too. Although he was a little of key, I let it slide. At every red light, we would sing together, leaning in towards each other. I started to feel less scared around him. I even held eye contact with him for a full red light. 

     "It's not living if it's not with you," We sang together as the car kept pushing forward. I looked up and saw the red light, but Kai's eyes were on me.  "Kai, the lights red." I said, laughing. He looked up, focusing his attention on the road, and the car came to a stop right before the edge of the line. I swore I could even see a bit of blush on his cheeks. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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