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my poetry feels like my house
it's not always good
it doesn't feel safe all the time
sometimes it's cozy
but there's a lot of screaming
a lot of fights
it feels like a therapy session most of the time too

people come and go
some have lasted longer
others less
i don't like them all
and i wish i could leave most of the time
just stop hurting
but i keep going

we moved a lot
sixteen times
five different cities
three states
and i changed along the way too
as did my writing

i met new people
left some behind
changed some of my views
it got worse some times
others it got better

things never stay the same
sometimes i cry
and others i laugh
and we just move on
get older
learn some important things
others not so much
go to another reality once in a while
come back

sometimes it's hard to keep going
writer's block
big fights
but i still try
step over the rocks along the way
it's not the best
but it's still home
and it's still poetry
and it's still mine

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