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With (NO) love, Tyler-Jane Roberts

I had no true intention to watch anything. However, I was amused by the fact that Carter had spent a few minutes desperately trying to find something on the old piece of junk that was called a television. In my defence, due to the fact that I was now positioned in his lap, my plan had worked.

"Are you sure you want to?"

I nodded. "Yes. Do you?"

"I mean, I guess. This twenty-year-old infomercial is my favourite thing to watch at night," he teased.

Rolling my eyes, I leaned back in his lap. His attempt at humour instantly calmed my nerves - an odd result when considering that it was based around a commercial for hair plugs aimed at balding old men being more entertaining than sex with me. My hands made their way to the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head before tossing it onto the floor.

Sporting a proud smirk, I pointed to my bare chest and asked, "How about now?"

Carter's hand went to the back of my neck, guiding my lips back to his. A hum of approval escaped as he deepened the kiss and let his free hand run up my thigh, bunching the material of my skirt at my waist. Our lips parted, allowing me to catch my breath, as he moved onto my neck. Kissing, nipping, and sucking at the skin - he knew exactly what he was doing to drive me wild. With a delicate touch, Carter's hand travelled up the side of my body. His hand cupped my breast, giving it a gentle squeeze as his thumb circled my nipple. I could feel him smirk against my neck as I began to gently rock back and forth in his lap.

"Getting impatient?" he whispered into my ear.

"Yes," I whispered, hoping the desperation I was feeling for more relief wasn't evident in my voice.

Carter tilted his head up, brushing his lips against mine. "Let me fix that for you. Lie down on the bed."

I lifted myself off his body and stood in front of him. My hands moved to the back of my skirt, pulling the zipper down. The waistband loosened which caused the material to fall on the ground, leaving me covered by only my underwear. I made my way onto the bed and laid on my back as Carter rose from his spot and turned to face me, removing his shirt.

As Carter made his way onto the bed and crawled towards me, I couldn't help but let my eyes roam over his body. He had plenty of tattoos scattered across his chest, torso, and arms. Propping myself up on my elbows, I bit my lip in anticipation.

My hand went to the back of his neck, pulling him closer for a kiss. If possible, I was craving his touch even more. Carter removed his lips from mine and began making his way along my jaw and neck, before peppering kisses across my collarbones. Maybe he was a mind reader. Or, maybe the sounds of my desperate whimpers had tipped him off. While one of his hands palmed at my breast, his mouth worked on the other. The work of his tongue caused me to sink my teeth into my bottom lip and suppress a loud moan that wanted to escape.

Suddenly, his touch disappeared altogether.

"Don't hold back with me, baby. I want to hear you."

Baby - now that was definitely new. Normally being called a nickname like that would make me cringe. Yet, I liked hearing him say it.

"Yes, Sir," I purred.

Carter wore an amused grin as his lips returned to my skin, appearing to like his new nickname. He worked his way down my stomach, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he travelled further south, stopping once he reached the waistband of my underwear. Hooking his thumbs around the lace, the material was quickly pulled down and tossed onto the floor.

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