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With (NO) love, Tyler-Jane Roberts

I have always hated my birthday.

There was nothing I enjoyed about it. When I was young, it was always a day forgotten about by my mother, and once I moved in with Silas's family, it always made me uncomfortable to watch them stretch the small amount of money that was leftover me.

No matter what we did on the day to celebrate, I always spent it with the three boys. That's all I needed. I didn't care to fill the house with strangers who pretended like they knew who I was or even cared about why they were there - I loathed the attention that brought. We always stayed in on the night of my birthday - nothing wild ever came from those nights. And that's what I liked best about it.

Much to the surprise of many, throughout my lifetime, I had never been to jail or gotten in trouble with the police. Well, there were a few incidents that I ended up talking my way out of or running away from. 

That all changed tonight.

For the first time in my life, I, Tyler-Jane Roberts, had my wrists chained to a table - at a police station, at least.

"Do you understand how serious this is, Miss Roberts?"

"Mm?" I tilted my head up, looking at the older gentleman sitting in front of me. "Oh, yeah. So, do I get to make my one phone call now or how does this all work?"

Just as the question left my lips, my attention was pulled to the commotion from outside the interrogation room. The door swung open to none other than Jeff.

Great - just when I thought this night couldn't get any better.

"You," he pointed to the man, "Out. Now."

"Who are you?"

"Detective Rogers," a voice said from behind Jeff.

The man let out a frustrated sigh, quickly collected his things and exited the room. The door slammed shut, leaving me alone with a very angry looking Jeff.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Did Carter call you?"

Jeff raised a brow. "Of course he fucking called me."

"Where is he?"

"Outside in the parking lot. I wanted to figure out what the fuck was going on before I spoke with him." Jeff crossed his arms over his chest as he paced back and forth. "What the fuck were you thinking? Having that much oxycontin on you?"

"It was oxy?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I'm trying to make this all go away - do you really think I'm going to rat you out?"

"It wasn't mine."

He scoffed. "Oh, please."

"It wasn't!" I repeated. "This jacket isn't mine."

The anger from his face quickly fell; it was like I could see the gears in his head working. "Shit," he stepped away from the desk and made his way towards the door. His next words weren't directed to me, but to whatever unfortunate soul was in the hallway. "Would you fucking unhandcuff her already?"

 "Would you fucking unhandcuff her already?"

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