✘Ch.2 Extra credit.

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Sap was looking uncomfortable, I rolled  over there tapping his shoulder  to see what was wrong, I'd like it if my raven hair was happy.. and well comfortable in my classroom, same with punz.

He looked do me removing his earbud 'Hey baby whats wrong?' I say quietly.

'Just a kid looking at me with lust' Sap said.

Nope sapnap is fucking mine and punzs.

'Where are they sitting  I'll deal with it' I say.

'Far left front' Sap said quietly.

I got up going over to jessluans desk. 'Hey what's going on you seem to be stareing at sapnap and he's uncomfortable' I say.

She said nothing just stareing at my damn boyfriend..

'Jess stop looking at him he's uncomfortable' I say snapping my fingers.

He stops looking.. 'Oh sorry dream!' He said.

'I catch  you stareing at sapnap again  it's a refireal got it?' I say.

He nodded and off I went 'Sap if you'd like you can make yourself at home at the desk' I say softly, pointing to the teachers desk.

He smiled and walked over sitting down on the chair and got back to his music and drawing.. damn he's adorble I got to punz.

'Watch Jess he keeps stareing  at sap and it's making him uncomfortable I've worked him just heads up' I say in his ear.

'Got it' Punz said looking over smiling with saps new found home.

I see someone's hand up and wonder over and help expling  the problem  punz is over by sap  sitting on the desk. He always seems to sit on the desk.

Soon I go back over to the desk  leaning on the wall glaring over at Jess who isntly looked  away.

I could tell both be and punz would like to being affectionate with sapnap.. but we can't get cought  with sap still  being a student.

And we're teachers.. soon class ended and everyone left.. me and Punz have work period.. and sap should have lunch.

'What period you have lunch baby' I questioned.

'Right now' sap said entudatocly..

I pick sap up putting him on my lap 'Well then how about that extra credit' I say flirty punz closes and locks the door.

'What kind~' Sap said.

'Were gonna fuck you' Punz said.

I pick sap up taking him to the preparing for me and punz.. we tend to madterbaite  our fellings off for sap here and now.. it's gonna be where we fuck him, or he sucks us off in.

Punz closes the door as I put sap down I pull a chair.. and undress myself as sap prostions himself on me.. punz entered aswell.

'Fuckk he's tight' we both grone.

'Your about to take my verginty..' Sap said with a moan.

'Mmm~ well do we have your consent?' Punz  said.

'Yes~ fuck me daddy' Sap says flirty.

'Mmm~ yeah that's how you will address us in the room' I say Pounding into him.

He moans loudly.. as punz fallows suit.

'Ahh~ fuck we wanted to do this for so long' I moan out.

Sap heated up and moaned 'you wanted to fuck a student?' Sap teased.

'Oh please you wanted this to' Punz said sudactively.

'Aye I got it didn't I? And well.. I've been cought  you two are the most liked teachers never thought you'd ever like a student bc of fear of fucking the rep up' Sap said moaning.

'We don't care about rep.. were happy to have you as our secert boyfriend.. and.. well more then happy to rise your grades' I say praticly droling.

Soon sap was leaking cum..
Well that was indveful.. expect alot of sex in this book.

the teachers secert - Premnap [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now