✘Chp.8 Truly care

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Damn these two really truly do care about me more then just having sex for grades.. Dream carried me into the class room and was holding me on his lap.. cuddling me closley.

'No matter what were gonna be here for you baby' Dream said softly.

It fells nice.. to have someone who cares.. I just cuddle into dream until I probably fell asleep..
Well Dreams holding our sleeping boyfriend.. who pretty much cried himself to sleep. And that's not alright.. soon dream moved sapnap into our work room.

'Dreamie go on stay in there and cuddle him ill teach' I say.

'You sure?' Dream questioned.

I nodded. Sapnap is more important he needs one of his lovers there cuddling him so he's not alone.. and off dream went.. incame students.

'Hello class I'm gonna solo teach today Dreams busy  doing refrals' I expline.

They nodded.. it's the last period and it's gonna be there goal to drive me insane.. but it won't happen, I got two hot boyfriends in the break room to think about.. and know I can go in and cuddle them after this annoying period.. and if I need a break I can go swape with Dream.

I start teaching and things start going flying.. why? Is this always the last period of the days? Like why do they have to be so terrible. There's one good student, his name is karl.. and he's just quiet and listens. He is friends with my raven hair.

Adventuly half way threw class I got annoyed.

'Alright brain break go walk around the building and come back in 20 minutes so 2:40' I said.

They role there eyes and storm out.. Karl stayed behind.. I ignored it and disspred into the work room.

'Punz? What you doing back here your supposed to be teaching' Dream said.

'I got annoyed and called a brainbreak.. anyways how's darling' I asked seeing sap was up playing with Dreams chain necklace.

'Clingy and very adorable' Dream said.

'Well it's your turn to deal with the spawn of last period I'm taking our clingy bottom' I said.

'Noooo' Sapnap whined.

'He just woke up like 5 minutes  ago' Dream said.

'Come on I'll cuddle you' I say softly.

He releases dream and crawls to me with sleeply grabby hands.. dream just got up and left and I got right to cuddling our cuddly boy.. he started to fiddle with my necklace almost  instantly I lay back on the wall holding him closely.

'It's okay bueaiful... your lucky  you got us both because you can have cuddles all period long because we can switch threw class' I say softly.

'Jasmine sit down now' Dream yelled.

Adventuly we hear dream snap 'that's  it all but Karl gets a damn refral get out' he said annoyed.

'Good your class is stupid' they all said.

And then dream storms in here joining cuddles. 'What about so extra credit~' I suggest.

'I'm down' Sap said.

I push him back onto Dream making out with sapnap deeply, he moans into it..

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