✘Chp.9 smell of sex, and shit

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Sapnap is asleep a mess of cum and covered in hickeys.. and it's 6pm.. his parents are gonna be worried. Soon he awakes yawning.

'Shit I smell and look of sex.. and well my legs ceased to exist' sapnap said.

'Well- that just got your grade to an A~' I said.

'Fuckk..~ damn worth it' Sapnap said softly.

'This little secert were in isn't done unless you want it to be, we are all yours' Punz said.

'Yes you two belong to me and I belong to you, I didn't do this shit for just grades, you two idiots are hot as fuck.. and I have always be attracted to you guys' Sapnap said 'that was the reason I was failing I was distracted with fantasies of us.. being what we are rn'.

'Mm not gonna lie we had to stop our selves from littarly coming up and kissing you mid-class' I said 'we're both happy to do what we are rn with you'.

Sapnap smiled.. 'Well you've blown out my back twice.. and now how am I getting home' He questioned.

Good point.. 'tell your mom your gonna be home around 7pm you got behind of extra credit.. and need to finsh it or your grade stays the same'Punz said.

Sap pulled out his phone and did just that, I hold him closely he was comepeley naked, I just rubbed his legs and let him cuddle into me Punz was rubbing his back.

Soon he could walk and had a slight limp so we help him get dressed and hind the lovely marks me and punz donated all over his chest neck and calorbone.

'Bye punzy and dreamie'Sap said flirty.

'Bye babyboy' we say.

He wondered off and went home I pull ounz down on me.. 'Well he was such a cuddle bug today.. and well he Cerently got a reward.. Unforntly tomrrow we he has no school so we can't see him.. until monday' I say sadly.

'Maybe he left his phone number?' Punz questioned.

We get up and dressed.. going out to the desks we have things to grade and a grade to bump up... awh he did leave his number behind.. that's adorble. We added it in out phones as babyboy <3.

And then we got to grading... and went home.. my cat was mad because I wasent hoke for a long time.. I fed her and go upstairs laying on my bed.. I just text sapnap saying it's me and just incase he had any questions.

Just incase his preants check his phone.
I'm laying on my bed in a oversized hoodie I am imaging to be Dreams as.. speak of the devil.. he texts me.. same generic response.

➬I just text back I was just thinking of you! Damn you must be reading my mind.

He answered back with no hesitation.

➬Awhh miss us that much baby?~ punz is also here with me cuddling into my side.. I wish  you could be here to.. it's not whole with out you.

➯I mean I could of side I was staying over at a friend's house came home got some shit and went back out meeting you two somewhere we I could of be there snuggling into your chest getting smotherd in your affection.

➬true. Damn your smart.
Well. They all miss echother when separated hm?

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