✘Chp.6 Annoying ex

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Damn.. sapnap has a shit home life, but he knows we're here if he needs someone to talk to or just vent.. we always had a soft spot for the boy his grade right now has been bumped to a C. I know his friend is in this period.. and sapnaps just off in his land of music and drawing. Any little doodle he gave us we've kept.. and he keeps leaving his drawings. We littarly have his art hanging on our wall.

Dreams busy helping a student I'm just chilling over by sapnap my hands on his thigh I'm just rubbing it. He's softly smiling at me.. and I love it.

I love the fact he's our secert boyfriend, sure we can't show him actual affection through classes. But he's quiet adorble doing "extra credit".. he certainly is being adorble.. I wish I could have him on my lap and cuddle him right now.. CRUSE these damn rules.. he's at the age of a legal adult.. I don't see what's the issue of him dating us.. but I die gress.

Soon dream was over here 'Mm damn punz seriously that's what you've been doing over here?' Dream teased me in my ear.

I roll my eyes 'Why cant I rub my boyfriends thigh dreamie?' I say quietly.

'Never said you couldn't just teaseing ya, don't let other students see' he worned me.

'Oh I wont' I say quietly.

Bell rings for brake so I stoped rubbing sapnaps thigh he didn't seem to like it but George came over to talk to sapnap.. we kinda got jelly.. George was lightly flirting with our boyfriend.. but he didn't pick it up.. but our jealous nature sure did.. he's gonna get punished for some extra credit later.

Me and Dream just went to the work room and..

'That kid likes sapnap..' we both said.

'Yeah.. I am jealous as fuck rn' I say laying on the wall.

'And you think I'm not? Like we littarly fucked sapnap yesterday he's ours' Dream said.

'Mmm.. we punished him later~' I suggest.

'Good idea babe' Dream said.

We both smirk.... well we hear I cry in pain sounding like sapnap.. and went running to see george fucking kissing him..

'GET THE HELL OFF THATS SEXUAL HARSSMENT' I praticly scream seeing my raven hair in pain.

Dream went over when he start 'get off sapnap now Goerge or it's the 15th refreal this damn week' Dream threated.

I was soon over there.. and george didn't get off so I littarly pulled George off and Dream made sure George couldn't get to him.

'Thats sexual harassment George go to the office now' I spat.

'Howw..? He's my boyfriend' he lied.

'N-no your not George.. your my ex, and freakly I don't know why I even talked to you!' Sapnap said voice shakey.

George arugged with we broke up for a stupid reason and should have a second chance.

Sapnap was shaking 'Sapnap go to the work room.. take a brake' Dream said.

Sapnap nodded and off he went. 'I'm taking him to the office, you help sap' I said looking to Dream.

He nodded and I dragged George to the office explined and went back to Dream and sapnap.
Wtf George seriously?

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