✘Chp.4 Fell better cuddles

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Bell just went off and sapnap is missing.. have been for the past class.. me and Dream decided  we'd go find him and were here our secert  boyfriend sobbing in a bathroom stall. I knock  'Darling you good?' I say conscred.

The door opens and he's just breaking down I knnel down picking him up 'wanna talk about it in our classroom?' Dream questioned.

He nodded sobbing into my neck.. it hurt us to see him so sad we go to our classroom Dream closes and locks the door closeing the blinds then came over and we cuddled sapnap. He calmed down now cuddled into my neck.. damn he's perfect we always loved him because he was diffrent sure he was a trouble maker but he is adorble.

'So what happend?' I say softly  rubbing his back.

Sapnap explines and it pissed us off.. someone hurt him more? Well.. they didn't know but sap was kinda limping.. so it shouda been obvious.

But it's okay here's here in our arms calmed down. 'Were so sorry baby... what's the kids name?' Dream questioned.

'I'm pretty sure it was Quackity I didn't really see I kinda pushed him off and stormed to the bathroom breaking..' Sap said.

'Understandable me and dream did your ass dirty before sending you to your next class' I say.

'It was worth it' he muttered.

'Glade you liked it baby  because that's gonna happen alot while we're pretty much being your surger daddies' Dream said.

True.. we have sex grade raises. But sap seemes to love us.. hmm.

'Hey darling do you by any chance have a actual crush on us?' I questioned.

Sap nodded loving the cuddles. We smirk.. well then.. 'you come here in free and lunch times and whenever you just don't fell like going to class well excuse the absences, and say it's for extra credit' me and Dream said.

'Okii' Sap said melting in our embrace.

'Our little secert boyfriend' I say.

'Mhm' Sap said smirking.

Sap was slowly falling asleep. 'Hey baby you probably  should go home soon..' Dream said sadly.

Our love for this boy will only  get sstronger. 'Oh..'he said quietly.

He got up and well me and Dream both kissed him softly 'Well good look with the ass pains darling' I say flirty.

He blushes and walks off him I look to Dream and he pushed me to the wall making out with me damn it felt good. It soon broke 'Mise as well kiss my other lover..besides sappy' he said quietly.

We hear a knock on the door.. quietly we fixed up our ties and shirts 'come in' Dream  said.

The English  teacher.. she's a bitch and after my dream.. she came to talk about sapnap?

'So I couldn't help to recognized you keept sapnap half way threw my class when he has free then lunch between our classes' The teacher said annoyed.

'You see we lost track of time we were doing extra credit  between our own class with him. And he had. A bit to finsh so he stayed and fished' I explined.

She schooled us.. nah what we really did was Sapanp. And sapnap littarly had a nap threw your class ya bitch.

'Oh shut up were trying to get him not to flunk our  class' Dream spat.

The teacher stormed out and off me and Dream went home.
Well.. protested punream.

the teachers secert - Premnap [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now