A/N: Legend of Korra vs Marvel Comics
Vanessa: We all saw that coming. I think there's a guy in the DB wiki who still insists Korra is universal or even outerversal even though he has no supporting evidence.
Randy: You know as much as we would like to see Delsin Rowe, Cole McGrath VS Alex Mercer is also another requested InFAMOUS matchup so it's possible they'll do that first.
Adam: Ah, so Madara VS Aizen is penultimate matchup and the season finale being Galactus VS Unicron. Oooh, I can taste the saltiness that's gonna come out on both Naruto and Bleach fandoms.
Randy: We're rooting for Madara, even though it's now believed Aizen stomps and- *sees something* What in the name of Zeno?
Carol: Vanessa, what the hell are you wearing?
Vanessa: *Wearing a pallbearer suit* What does it look like? I'm sending Korra off with style. Hit it boys!
Convergence: 0_0
Sara: How the hell did she even got those people and coffin in the first place?!
Adam: *Facepalms then sighs* I sooooooo regret introducing her to the meme side of the internet.