Eve of the Counterattack

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Scenario #1: In the aftermath of the Trost Incident, you were close to Eren's Titan Form, and asked to attend the Military Tribunal. Apparently, Eren's position is going to be decided there— whether he lives or dies. If you get called, you have to stand up for your friend.
Will you, or won't you?

Scenario #2: You were tasked with an outside the Walls Mission. So soon after Trost, but you followed along as it was good experience. You were in the group with Section Commander Hangë Zoe, which is when you learned your mission.
Today, you'd be helping capture a Titan or two.

Scenario #3: After the Battle in Trost, you now stand with some of your other friends in front of the burning fire, destroying the remains of your fallen soldiers.
"Things now... will never be the same without you guys... But your memory will live on in all of us."

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