Scenario #1: You noticed during the attack— (Crush) has been acting rather reckless compared to usual. Their movements are fluid, almost dangerous. But this time— it may be their last. A Titan springs out across the field, right in line with (Crush). You see this coming, and push them away— but in the process, you fall and are now stranded. While they're calling back for you, their superiors tell them to continue. You're alone now... but you have to make it through— for (Crush).
Scenario #2: You were rushing— the other guard needs assistance, and you and (Crush) are the only people nearby who can provide that. However, you weren't paying attention. You feel your cord get tugged from behind, pulling you backwards. (Crush) immediately stops and tries to help you— telling you to run while they deal with it.
Despite your hesitation, they tell you to go and trust them. You listen, and realize you have to regroup and get help— but it seems like they're getting swarmed.Scenario #3: Make Your Own Spin on this Idea!
Attack on Titan Roleplay
General Fiction"I will keep moving forward... Fight. Fight! FIGHT!"