Chapter 1: The Suspect

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His chest was aching, like he was breathing in water...water... He hated water, his nightmares dripped with it, those were becoming more frequent, as well as the "episodes" Miller calls them. His "episodes" had been getting worse, he had gotten a letter from the NHS telling him that he may not make it much longer without the surgery and to call in when he decides to schedule it. Ellie doesn't know about it, the surgery. All she knows is that he's ill with a condition, and the condition is life threatening because she's witnessed it. Alec pulls himself away from his thoughts for a moment. There's a small hill with a house on the top in front of them, a long dirt path, and the cliff and the ocean to the left. They were sent over to see if they could find a particular item, something that could be the key to unlocking the killer of Daniel Latimer. It was a collar that Danny had always carried with him, it was the collar that his cat Griffon had worn when he was alive. Danny was very fond of that cat, and the collar had come up missing after the forensics group had searched everywhere on the beach, the inspectors had searched through the Latimer house for it, and now they were here. Standing in front of the killers hideaway. They had suspicions that Danny had been meeting someone, and his parents had said that Danny had talked about this little barn/house a lot recently, before he died. Alec stopped at the steps and sat down, placing his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. His face contorted in pain. It was getting worse, the pain. He felt like his heart was being dipped in lava. "Are you alright?" Miller asked. He lifted his head up and tried to conceal the pain, he took a deep breath "Yeah, fine." he said. He stood up, immediatley grabbing onto the porch post for support. A wave of pain blossomed in his chest and Miller immediatley knew he wasn't ok, she hurried to grab his other arm before he fell off the steps. "I said 'm fine." he muttered through gritted teeth. "No, no your not. Did you take your medicine?" she says. Out of nowhere, there was a loud crash from inside the small house/barn and a man dressed in all black came running out, pushing Ellie off the last step, landing wobbly on the firm ground. "Go! Get after him!" Alec yells at her. She hesitates for a second, but then took off running as fast as she could after him. Alec recovered a bit, more because of the small burst of adrenaline that he gained. He set off, he felt a bit better now that he got his mind off of the pain. He was racing to get the suspect, catching up to Miller. They stoped, abruptly. They made their way into a parking lot, while following the figure. "Over there." Miller whispers, ducking behind one of the cars. They made their way closer, while the person tried to figure out where they were. "You go that way" Alec points and whispered quietly. "We'll surround 'im" he say's. Miller set off, quietly making her way closer and closer to the suspect. He took off running, right towards Alec, he jumped out from behind the car, just in time to tackle the suspect and pin him to the ground. And then... the pain...

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