Chapter 2: The Pain

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The pain. Miller had the suspect in hand cuffs, as soon as Alec had tackled him. And he was left on the ground as Ellie called for a police officer to come pick him up. Alec had scooted himself close to a car to keep him propped up. He had his eyes closed, breathing heavely and his face was scrunched in pain. He reached up to his chest, trying to urge the pain away. "Alec are you sure your alright?" Miller said, moving closer to him and kneeling down next to his hand which was laying limp on the pavement. When he didn't answer Miller pulled her phone out, ready to dial 999. "Alec?" she says. His eyes barely open, "I don' know" he slurs. He coughed, causing him to groan in pain. "Ok-ok I'm calling an ambulance." she says frantically. "No, 'ou can' do tha'" he slurs again. "Oh yes I can." She already dialed 999, and was on the phone with an operator. He groans again "Oh god." he whispers shutting his eyes hard. He clutches his chest, beads of sweat had begun to form on his face, and his face had become deathely pale. "I have to lay you down, Alec, just relax and stay awake ok?" She hangs up the phone as soon as she hears the last sentence the operator speaks. "Here, come on." She hooks her arm underneath his shoulders, careful not to let his head hit the ground. He groans at the movement. The pain intensifies, and he can't help but roll onto his side slightly to try and conceal the pain. The sirens can be heard in the distance, and the reflection of red and blue lights on the buildings can be seen moving closer. "Alec! Alec! I need you to keep your eyes open ok? I know it hurts, but you've gotta let me know your still alive." Hardy's eyes had slid shut, and he had stopped groaning in pain. His grip on his shirt had loosened and he was still... so very still.. "Alec?" worry creeping into her voice "A-Alec?!" she said a bit louder. She felt for a pulse on his neck, and listened to hear if he was breathing... he wasn't. Instinctevly, she began chest compressions, waiting for the ambulance. Frantically willing life into him. He stayed still. The Paramedics arrived, immediatley pulling her away from him. They were bringing out the defibrillator. After the 4th shock, the Paramedics began manual chest compressions, and an oxygen mask that had a large plastic balloon on the end to squeeze to get air into his lungs while the chest compressions took place. Miller could feel tears streaming down her face. When she was about to accept the fact that Alec might not make it home, one of the medics yelled "We've got a pulse!" Ellie smiled and cried even harder now, not being able to help not show the relief she was feeling, she hopped into the ambulance with the medics and Alec. His eyes opened slightly 2 minutes into the ride. She breathed out and grabbed onto his limp hand. The medics didn't appear to mind, they worked around her. Out of nowhere his pulse dropped to zero again, and the deffibralator was brought out once more. After he was alive again they unloaded him at hospital and Ellie was informed that he would be in surgery for about 3 hours without complications. She sat in the waiting room, tired, and worried. After an hour of sitting there, a doctor came out "Ellie Miller?" he said, looking around the room. "Y-Yes?" she said standing up. "Well, there were complications during surgery...Alec's alive but, they had to switch to open heart surgery. His heart has stopped twice already, it's weak and they were afraid if he shutsdown again they wouldn't be able to restart his heart. We're not sure if he'll make it through, but we've got the best surgeons working on him. He's in good hands. He'll be in surgery for another 2 to 3 hours." he pauses for a brief second "You should go home, we'll call when he's out, or if anything changes." He turns and walks back the way he came. "Yeah... alright" she whispers to herself, gathering her things and making her way to her car.

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