Chapter 3: Take Me Home

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Authors Note: I don't usually do authors notes, but today is special. I really wasn't planning on continuing this story, because I knew it wasn't going to get much views... and I was right. But TheBroadie, one of my readers left a comment telling me I should, and frankly I have nothing better to do. So here you go, I dedicate this *maybe* last chapter to TheBroadie, thanks for the comment and the Votes!


It was nearly 11:00pm when they rang her back. She had been lightly sleeping on the couch with the telly on. She hadn't been able to sleep for a while after she had gotten home, her boys were already asleep, Olly had been sitting with them since 5:00pm, the time Miller was supposed to have already been home. After the Doctor had rang her up, she had nearly sprinted out the door, it took her 10 minutes to get to hospital from her house, when it should have taken about 20. She got to the front office, and a skinny, young blonde women sat with a tired face, "Alec Hardy?" Miller asked, "Oh-yes room 142. Second floor." Ellie didn't even stop to say Thanks, she raced off waving a hand at the young girl as she sped to the elevator. "142..." she whispered to herself as she stood quietly at the room door. She pressed it open, to find a Doctor, Dr. Hamilton, and another young male nurse standing next to the bed... where Alec lay, Pale and with several tubes connecting what looked like everything up to machines. "Oh, Welcome back Mrs. Miller. He's surgery went very well, as you can see. He probably won't wake up for another hour, hour and a half... So you can sit here for a while if you'd like. The cafeteria is downstairs I'm sure you know, and the nurse will come in and check on him every 30 minutes to an hour." She took a deep breath "Okay Thanks." She nodded. He grabbed his clip board and made his way out the door, but before leaving he stopped and turned, "His lucky to be alive Mrs. Miller, I'm sure he'll glad to have someone he loves here when he wakes up." He smiled and left quietly. She pulled a chair up right next to Alec's bed, holding his hand in hers. She sat there... Listening to all the beeps of machines. She noticed that as soon as she had grabbed Alec's hand, his heart rate went up by 5, it leveled out a minute later, but she smiled at the fact that he knew she was there...

Two hours later, Alec began waking up, so just as the Doctor had told her, she pressed the call button on the side of Alec's bed, bringing in the young male nurse they'd seen before. "Welcome back Mr. Hardy." He said as Alec opened his eyes just a crack. The nurse grabbed his chart and began writing something down. Alec turned his head side way's towards Miller, who was standing next to his bed now. "Hey sleepy head. How're you feeling?" She asked. He coughed a little "Fine, you look tired Miller, you should go home." He said in his raspy voice. The nurse adjusted his bed a bit so he could talk better, and left just as quietly as he had come. "I'm fine, really. I took a nap when you were in surgery... Does it feel different?" He took a second to evaluate everything "A bit, I can't tell it's there, if that's what you mean." He let his head fall back against the pillow, he was exhausted. But he wanted to go home. "Miller, do you mind driving me home?" She laughed "Right now? I'm sure the Doctors want you to stay overnight Alec." He looked at her with a serious expression "Please. I hate hospitals." He said. She laughed softly again, "Alright, but the Doctors will give a fuss. You can stay at my house, will me and the boys. They'll enjoy that, you are their favorite Uncle after all." And with that, she left to get him discharged. And she was right, the doctors did give a fuss about him leaving so early after the surgery, but he wanted to go home, and that was that.

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