E.P. 6 Dire Situations

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The camera opens up to Nora waking up.

Klein:"No need to worry, miss." *Nora looks to Klein.* "You and your friends are going to be just fine."

Klein is setting up an IV drip. Then the door opens and Blake, Ruby, Weiss and Whitley are carry Penny and Asher.

Blake:"She lost consciousness and she's...leaking. Asher barley even looks alive, and he's bleeding."

Klein:"Set them down, set them down."

They set Penny and Asher down on some cots. Then Ruby sets Redemption and the magnum next to Asher. Then Whitley backs up and looks down to his shirt that has green and red blood on it and he sighs. Then Ruby and Weiss looks down to their hands that have green and red blood on them.

Ruby:*Looks to Klein.* "Can you help them?"

Klein comes over and uses a devices that has an X-Ray on Penny.

Klein:"Even based on what you've told me, I hardly know what she is." *He clears his throat and his eyes turn brown.* "But her basic anatomy seems similar enough. I can at least stitch up that wound."

The Klein goes over to Asher and looks over his body with the X-Ray. It shows that his heart isn't beating or barely even is and his arm left arm has a broken bone and is bleeding. He's barley even breathing.

Klein:"The boy is in bad shape, but I can fix him up as best I can.... Hopefully."

Then a loud boom of thunder happens outside and Ruby and Weiss jump. Then the lights go out.

Whitley:"Oh, that's just rich."

Then Ruby scroll goes off and she answers it. Weiss walks over to Asher and crouches down to him and grabs his right hand.

May:*Scroll.*"Everyone okay back there? Just saw another bombing run light up the kingdom." *Ruby looks outside."

Ruby:"Looks like part of the city lost power." *She looks back to her scroll.* "We're okay though."

May:*scroll.* "Sorry, I couldn't stick around, but time's running out for everyone in the crater."

Ruby:"No, we're sorry. Once we know what's wrong with Penny and Asher, we'll.... we'll do something."

May:*Scroll.* "Don't beat yourself up kid. At this point, I don't know how much is left to be done." *May hangs up.*

Ruby:"It's all just too much." *Weiss Stands up and puts a hand on Ruby's shoulder.* "The Grimm, the crater, Nora, Penny, Asher." *She looks to Weiss.* "How do we fix all of it?"

Klein sneezes and his eyes turn blue.

Klein:"One step at a time, my dear." *He sneezes again then he clears his throat and his eyes turn back to brown.* "You can't worry about fixing everything. Simply focus on what's in front of you. If you'd like some place to start, I'd be able to work faster if you could bring the power back on."

Ruby:"Well how would we-"

Then Willow Schnee appears in the doorway with a bottle of wine in her hand.

Willow:"We have a generator near the edge of the estate."

Everyone looks to her and Whitley sighs and crosses his arms.

Whitley:"So kind of you to join us, mother."

Willow:"Believe it or not. I am above drinking in the dark." *She then sees Klein.* "Oh, hello Klein." *Klein just nods.*

Weiss:"SDC Executives have their own auxiliary power supplies in case of a city-wide blackout. It's extremely, unfair, but perhaps now isn't such a bad time for company perks."

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