E.P. 9 The Vault/Saving Penny

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The camera opens up to a plane flying to Atlas Academy. Inside is everyone. Then to moves to the entrance of the Academy were Ironwood and the Ace-Ops, minus Marrow, are waiting.

Ironwood:"Be ready for anything. We don't know what state Penny is in. Asher is more than likely still unconscious so Penny will be carrying him."

Harriet:"If any of those brats have the nerve to come with the two, we put them down immediately. The General gave his terms. No more games." *Vine sighs.* "Is there a problem?"

Vine:"Just, retracing the steps that led us here."

Then Ironwood's scroll goes off and he checks it.

Harriet:"What is is, Sir?"

Ironwood turns to look at the three.

Ironwood:"Qrow and Robyn, they're in the academy hanger."

Vine:"Trying to stop the payload?"

Ironwood:"Or just looking for a way out."

Harriet:"Not going to happen. I've been waiting to take my shot at those two." *She activate her exoskeleton.* "Let's go, Ace Ops."

Elm:"But someone needs to stay here with the General."

Then Winter walks over and stands next to Ironwood.

Winter:"I'll stay. We lose the payload, we lose our leverage."

Ironwood:"She's right. Contain it. Now."

The Ace Ops leave and head to the hangar.

Winter:"Sir, this course of action--"

Ironwood:"I hope you're not going to try to talk me out of it."

Winter looks to Ironwood.

Winter:"No, Sir. I don't think that's possible."

Then Penny, carrying an unconscious Asher, flies over to them. Ironwood aims his big gun at them.

Ironwood:"I didn't think you two would actually come alone." *He hands Winter some cuffs.* "I expected at least some resistance from your friends."

Penny:"I don't want anyone else to die. And I think Asher would agree with me." *She sets Asher down as Winter comes up and handcuffs her.* "I must open the Vault."

Then Winter handcuffs Asher and she walks back to Ironwood and aim her sword at them. Then Ironwood puts his weapon down and walks up to Penny.

Ironwood:"You've done the right thing." *He puts a hand on her shoulder.*

Penny:*With Emeralds voice.* "I have."

The Illusion falls showing Penny was actually emerald and Asher was Asher. Jaune. Nora, Oscar and Ren are behind them with their weapons out and a plane is also behind them

Emerald:"Feels weird."

Emerald backflips kicking Ironwood in the chin. Asher rolls himself over and stand up. Ironwood's big gun lands in Emerald's arms and she turns invisible.

Asher:"Let's get this party started."

Jaune charges at Ironwood and they enter a fight. Red team runs up to their leader and Grif cuts the cuffs off then Hands him his weapons. Asher turns Redemption into sword from and turns around ready to fight only to see Ironwood fall on the ground unconscious.

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