E.P. 7 Return

180 2 10

(Short Episode.)

The camera opens up to Ironwood tapping away at a table that has multiple screens up and the Ace-Ops plus winter walk in. Winter clears her throat and Ironwood looks over.

Ironwood:"It's about time. While we dealt a decisive blow to Salem today--"

Winter:"Actually that wasn't our payload, sir. I brought it back with us."

Ironwood:"Then who could have?" *He walks around the table.* "But you still have it. This may be useful. Penny still hasn't come to the vault and I've discovered Asher is still alive, but barley."

Ironwood taps a few keys and a window appear on the computer screen showing Asher's vitals. The line only goes up once and a while with not stray rhythm.

Ironwood: "Meaning Watts was either incompetent or he betrayed us. At this point, we'll never know. Cinder Fall has attacked command and escaped with him. And that's not all we've lost."

Ironwood looks at his left hand.


Ironwood:"Qrow and Robyn have also escaped."

Harriet gets angry and her semblance activate as electricity travels around her. Ironwood puts his hand up and she calms down.

Ironwood:*He walks to the group.* "Salem's creature was destroyed, but that doesn't mean we've stopped her. She will return and she will throw everything she has at us until there is nothing left. And we are perilously close to that already." *He walks back to the computers.* I need the Winter Maiden, and Asher, Now. It's the only way Atlas can survive."

He talks a deep breath.

Ironwood:"Schnee, bring me Arc, Ren, and Xiao Long."

Winter:"What for, sir?"

Ironwood:*Turns to Winter.* "I had Qrow in my hands and I didn't do what needed to be done. I will not make that mistake again." *He walks up to Winter.* "I know. I'm ashamed I didn't think of it earlier." *He puts a hand on Winter's shoulder.* "Leveraging the lives of their friends is the only way to make Penny and Asher listen to reason."

Harriet:"Sir," *Ironwood looks to her.* I'm sorry, but we don't have them. Operative Schnee let them go."

Ironwood:*Turns back to Winter.* "You what?"

Harriet:"Winter allowed them to go on board the creature to rescue their friend and they never came back."

Ironwood takes his hand of Winter's shoulder and he walks to the computer table.

Ironwood:"They were our last chance. Now. Now I have nothing." *He slams his hands on the table breaking it.*

Then someone comes over Ironwood's com.

Commander:*Com.* "Sir! We are detecting non-military ships on radar, dozens of them!"

Ironwood walks to a terminal and taps some keys.

Ironwood:"Ships! Whose ships?"

Commander*Com* "They appear to be Schnee Dust Company freighters, sir. They're heading straight for Mantle."

Ironwood is now looking at a camera view showing a bunch of ships flying to Mantle.

Ironwood:"Weiss, I see." *Winter gasps and Ironwood sits in chair at his desk.* "They're trying to save Mantle." *He chuckles and the window blinds slide down.*"This has always been about Mantle, hasn't it? I need to make a call."

The camera moves back to the Schnee mansion. Ruby with Weiss and Blake next to her, Open the main doors and standing on the other side is, Yang, Jaune, Ren and the rest of Red team.

Ruby jumps into Yang's arms and they hug each other. Ruby cires some happy tears.

Yang:"I missed you too."

Ruby goes over to Jaune and Ren and Yang goes over and hug Weiss. Yang looks over to Blake as she stands to the side all nervous and Yang walks up to her and puts her hand on Blake's cheek. They both smile and put their heads together.

Ren and Jaune along with red team walk in.

Ren:"Where's Nora?"

Simmons:"And Sagre?"

Ruby and Weiss look a little sad as Weiss walks up to them. Then Ruby looks to the side and sees Oscar and she runs up to him.

Ruby:"Oscar, you--" *Ruby looks to the side and sees Emerald.*

Ruby's eyes widen and she reaches for her weapon.

Oscar puts his hands up to stop her.

Oscar:"No, she's okay, I can--"

Then Ruby's scroll chimes and she answers it.

May:"Scroll.* "Kids, the cargo ships you sent just made it but their not alone."

Ruby:"May? What are you talking about?"

May:*Scroll.* "Oh my gods, run! Everyone, into the mines." *An explosion goes off in the background and they lose signal.*

Blake:"Where those..?"

Then an alarm baleras and everyone's scroll goes off.

Female CCT Voice:"This is an emergency CCT broadcast." *Ruby projects the message.*

It shows a video of the SSC ships blowing up.

Yang:"What's going on?"

Weiss:"Those ships, they were going to save people. Why would-"

The Ironwood appears on the video.

Ironwood:*Broadcast.* "I have always promised to defend this kingdom. Its technology, its future, from those who would see it destroyed. Our enemy is crippled, but two individual still denies Atlas its salvation. The Protector of Mantle and Colonel Rose."

Everyone gets angry.

Ironwood:*Broadcast.* "Penny, Asher, wherever you and your friends are, I need you all to listen. I know how much Mantle means to you. So I'm going to give you two a choice. You both can bring yourselves to Atlas Academy and do your duty, help me save as much of Atlas as I can and Mantle will be left to fend for itself. Or you can all watch as I destroy it."

Everyone gasps.

Ironwood:*Broadcast.* "I have one bomb. That's all it will take. If there is no Mantle then there is no reason for you not to work with me. Neither of us want it to come to that, but one of us is willing to do it. If anyone tries anything other than what I've ordered, Mantle is gone. You have one hour to respond."

The camera moves over to Nora as she's sitting up in her bed watching the broadcast and she looks over to Penny and Asher. Who both are sleeping.

Ironwood:*Broadcast.* "I hope you live up to the titles I gave you."

The camera moves over to Asher and his eye twitches then the camera turns black.



1015 words.

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 8Where stories live. Discover now