Untitled Part 33

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Chapter Thirty Three

"She said that I won." Yildiz explains as they're taking some time in the women's bathroom of the nightclub to speak away from the men and children.

Hilal closes her eyes and shakes her head.

"That I'd won Ali Kemal and now I would have his children," Yildiz explains and Hilal doesn't know what to say at her sister's sad expression.

"She wasn't thinking straight. Her grief clouded her mind and made her see things that weren't there...?" Hilal can't help the question in her voice as she remembers what she saw when she'd come up the ladder in the warehouse and saw Yildiz and Ali Kemal close to each other.

Yildiz blinks and looks at her in confusion. "Are you telling me or asking me?"

Hilal takes a deep breath and looks around to make sure the ladies room is empty except for the two of them. "I saw you," she says careful not to inject any judgment in her tone.

Yildiz's cheeks color a bit and she swallows. "Saw what?" she asks trying for a light laugh but it comes out strained.

"I saw the two of you standing together in the warehouse just before Yakup and Leon came up. I'm not saying you were doing anything wrong. It's just...well, I wondered because of the way you were looking at each other."

"We weren't!" Yildiz insists but her eyes fill with tears before she can stop them.

"Yildiz..." Hilal steps closer to her and touches her arm, knowing now for certain that her sister is not telling her the whole truth.

Yildiz shakez her head and wipes her cheeks furiously. "He had just been frightened for me so he hugged me and maybe for a moment we were reminded of what we used to be to each other He just asked me if I was happy. I asked him the same. He said he was. That he loved Clara and all that he wanted was for me to be happy and we'd keep what we felt for each other in the past. I assured him I was happy with Yakup, that he was a good husband and father and I loved him. Ali Kemal seemed happy to know that. That's what you saw. I promise," Yildiz assures her.

Hilal believes her. Really she had suspected that had been the case but it was a bit of relief to know it for sure. She knew that sometimes the bloom of first love lingered especially when that love was forbidden and never allowed to flourish. If Yildiz and Ali Kemal had been able to have a relationship would they still be together now, or would Yildiz have finally driven him away with her selfish nature? Loving Yakup had been good for her, had helped her grow up. Hilal thinks of her own forbidden love with the enemy. She and Leon had been allowed to flourish and their love had grown stronger. They'd brought out the best in each other while her sister and Ali Kemal had brought out the worst.

Or she and Leon had brought out the best in each other. Now... Hilal didn't know where they were now. Leon was here with her and the children to watch the famous Josephine Baker sing. A treat for Acelya who, while she seemed to be recovering from her trauma, wasn't wholly without dark memories in her eyes. Leon is kind and loving and patient with his little girl. With Hilal he is...polite.

It's driving her up the wall. He told her she looked lovely in her red dress but his eyes didn't light up the way they usually did when she dressed up. She was coming upon her eighth month of pregnancy. He always liked to see her pregnant, said it turned him on even while he knew she might think him sexist. Now, he feels cut off from her, as if he's afraid to break through the wall keeping both of their emotions at bay because once he or she does, it wasn't going to be pretty. A fight was looming and Hilal wishes they could just get on with it already and get back to normal.

If they could.

That is what's keeping them from letting their emotions through the wall. They've disagreed throughout their marriage, argued, but this feels different and Hilal isn't sure how far this fight will take them. There's faith in their love. Faith in their marriage but for the first time she isn't sure if Leon will be willing to forgive her for something she's not sorry for.

He holds the chair out for her when they return to the table. He looks so handsome in his black suit and white crisp shirt. Hair slicked back in some attempt at control because he hasn't had a chance for a trim. He's shaved his beard and Hilal finds she actually misses it a little. She might ask him to grow it back. After. If there is an after for them. The uncertainty makes her heart hurt and can only half listen as Yakup tells Acelya that she will get to meet Josephine Baker backstage. The little girl lights up and turns to look at her mother as if to confirm.

Hilal nods and gives her a small smile.

"Papa, let's go now!" Yorgo exclaims tugging on his Leon's arm to pull him out of the chair.

Leon laughs a little and looks so much like his old self for a moment that Hilal's whole body warms with sweetness and a little arousal too. The baby inside kicks as if he or she can feel what Hilal is feeling.

"Well, she's still singing so I think we're going to have to wait a little longer," Leon explains.

He turns to Hilal then, catching her touching her stomach.

"All right?" he asks, his eyes soft and Hilal wants to cry at how good it feels to have him look at her like that.

She nods and takes his hand, placing it on her belly. "Just a bit busy in here. Baby probably likes the music."

He squeezes her fingers. "Would you like to dance?"

Hilal's heart races and she risks a small smile as she nods and let's him help her to her feet. Dear God, please let us find our way past this. She leans her head on his chest as he moves with her to the music, understanding a few of the words Josephine is singing. Leon's fingers stroke her back. Hilal can feel his heart racing too. She doesn't know what's coming for them but she prays this can be a step in making their marriage strong again. It feels so nice to be in his arms again that she doesn't want the song to end. It does though and he pauses, looking down at her and she wonders if he's going to kiss her.

Please, kiss me.

He kisses her forehead and she usually loves that but in this case it feels as if he couldn't bring himself to kiss her and her heart hurts a little more.

They meet with the singer after her set is done and having the woman meet the children is just an excuse for the real reason they are backstage with the legendary Josephine Baker. Yakup and Vecihi are coordinating their attempt to sneak back into Turkey just in case anyone in Greece is still looking for them. Once they get to Istanbul they'll be safe but it's the journey home that must be done without alerting any secret police that might want to find them and take revenge for the destruction of their vengeful organization. Vecihi apparently met Josephine years ago and she has certain connections that have proved useful to his spy missions in the past. She assures them she will be happy to help them now. The beautiful woman is attentive and kind to little Acelya who is in awe of her and she also helps them with the fake documents they'll need on the trip home. Vecihi will make sure from his position in Istanbul that the right officials are in place who will be sure not to look to closely at the forged documents, though Josephine assures them her people are the best.

It works. They are able to sneak back into Turkey without incident. They can finally breathe again. Hilal, Leon, and their children, Veronika (who will be staying with them for the time being), Yildiz, Yakup and their children, now plus two.

Finally, they are home. 

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