Chapter Twenty-Three

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"My name is Helen Kostas," Hilal introduces herself to the man behind the desk. She hopes invoking Father Kostas's name and using it as her own will help bring some divine assistance to their mission. 

"Nurse Kostas is one of my best. Efficient and above all discreet," Vecihi, now Dr Karl Medios, winks at the man knowingly. 

"Good," the colonel says, coldly. He finally looks up from his desk and Hilal fights the urge to move away from the coldness in his brown eyes. 

There's something familiar about his eyes and the unease they inspire. "It would not be smart to talk about your work here with anyone outside these walls." The threat is implied but very clear. "These are not good men, Nurse Kostas. They are traitors to Greece and the government does not treat traitors kindly. We are here to make sure these men are punished for their treason. If anyone tries to interfere with the meting out of that punishment… of justice for Greece, well, that person and their family would have to face the consequences of that interference. Is that clear?" 

Hilal clenches her fists beneath her nurses apron to fight the urge to shudder. Thank God most of her family is in Paris. Still, there's Yildiz and Yakup and worry for them makes her nauseous. 

"Of course," she says simply, keeping her voice even. 

She hasn't seen Leon or Ali Kemal yet. She and Vecihi were led past the prisoners to the colonel's office without stopping. They don't know his name. The guards, three who are regularly rotated in twelve hour shifts, just call him 'The Colonel'. 

But what she had seen made her blood chill in her veins. The prisoners are chained by their ankles, and some even by their wrists to cuffs nailed to the ground. Those who are healthy enough to work...she couldn't imagine any of the men she'd seen fitting that description, are let out and driven to another secret location to endure forced labor, building a second compound in case this first one is infiltrated. 

"It's your job to make sure they stay healthy," the colonel tells them both. "If any of them get beyond help, you're to let me know immediately and we'll have them disposed of." 

Disposed of. Hilal's breath catches at the horrific words. 

"I'll have to examine all the prisoners first," Vecihi says, his voice authoritative. "I'll let you know if any need to be...disposed of when my nurse and I are done examining them."

The colonel nodded and went back to studying his papers on his desk. 

Vecihi and Hilal leave his office and she takes a deep breath while leaning against the wall. She grimaces when her intake of breath offers no real relief. The air is stifling and hot and sweat is starting to pool between her breasts and slide down her back. "Dear God, Karl, this place is an oven." 

They've agreed to stick to their fake names as much as possible to reduce the risk of slipping up and revealing their true identities. 

"We can come back tomorrow and start examining the prisoners then if you want," Vecihi offers, running a handkerchief down the back of his neck. 

"No…" she whispers, closing her eyes against the momentary spin of the beneath her feet. She presses a hand against the wall to anchor herself until the dizziness passes. 

"Are you alright?" Vecihi's voice suddenly shifts to deep concern. "That's it. We're leaving and coming back tomorrow."

"No!" Hilal insists more firmly when she feels better. "I need to try and find him, both of them today. I need them to not have one more day of feeling they're alone in this hell hole,' Hilal adds, lowering her voice. "Please."

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