Chapter Nineteen

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Maxim thinks they are great friends. Leon has endured many after work drinks with the vile ass to make him think this. 

His jaw actually aches sometimes from clenching his teeth so hard to resist the urge to punch the man in the face. 

Vecihi says it looks like it's working. He's heard about a man who has been paid off a few times to check on the prisoners. A doctor. Vecihi is sure if he keeps an eye on him he might be able to follow him when he gets a call to make another visit. 

Leon asks about Hilal and Vecihi tells him that as far as he knows Hilal is still in Paris with his mother and the children. 

Leon wants to believe this but there's an uncertainty buried deep in his soul, the uncertainty of a man who knows his wife, knows her better than any other soul on earth. He has to believe he's wrong, that Hilal will indeed stay put in Paris and wait for him. He has to believe it so he can do what he needs to do. 

Tonight he drinks a little more, remembering the last time he'd gotten drunk and how Hilal had taken care of him and how they had… God, he misses his wife so much. 

She's not here to take of him so Leon is careful not to lose his wits...but he puts on enough of an act to make Maxim think he has. 

"I tried…" Leon says, bowing his head and running his fingers through his hair. The club is noisy as usual and one of Maxim's friends who have joined them leans in closer across the table. 

"What's that?" 

"I tried to tell people… violence wasn't the answer… to try… peace…" he slurs.

Maxim snorts. "Yeah, I remember. Damn stupid. No offence," he adds quickly. 

Leon lifts a hand and waves it dismissively. 

Maxim pours him another shot. "There's only one thing those savage Turks understand and that's blood."

"Savages!" Leon hissed with fury, hoping Maxim buys his rage. He leaves the latest shot on the table. 

He remembers sobbing in his mother in law's arms when he was afraid Hilal wouldn't survive her shooting. How gentle and caring she'd been with him. How caring Cevdet had been with him, even to the point where Leon had felt guilty for wishing sometimes Cevdet had been his father instead of Vasili. Leon mentally crosses himself asking God's forgiveness for the thought. He'd seen savages on both sides. Goodness on both sides too. "I tried to help them… and they killed…" He teases a little of the story that he and Alcon have cooked up to gain Maxim and his friends trust. "...everyone I loved…"

"What happened?" Maxim asks, placing what Leon suspects is supposed to be a sympathetic hand on his back. "Here, take that drink, man. It'll make you feel better."

Leon has to take the shot or Maxim will wonder. The liquor is losing its burning bite down his throat and Leon knows it has to be his last if he hopes to stay in control. The club is starting to have a sort of blurry dreamlike quality. "My wife...parents… dead…" He drops his forehead to the table briefly before shaking his head and moving back up. 

"What did I tell you?" Maxim says, gripping his shoulder and giving it a little shake. "Those animals destroyed so many innocent lives."

"Too late now...Too late to make them pay…" Leon slurs. 

"That's where you're wrong, my friend. Oh we're definitely making them pay. Them and everyone who betrayed us by helping them."

"How?" Leon asks, blinking rapidly.

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