>Chapter - 6<

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Caboose was in the middle of shorelines with a tied up squad leader of one of the VEKTOR's operative disposal team with his mouth taped shut.

VEKTOR Operative#1(Radio):"sir, awaiting orders."

Caboose:"....you're free to take her out"

Glacier was just sitting on the log while VEKTOR operative disguised as a Steel Cove soldier was standing beside the tree.


Steel Cove soldier#39:"..?"

Glacier:"do you regret any actions you've done in the past?"

Steel Cove soldier#39:"I didn't...what makes you think that i regret any bad actions i did? everytime i make choices or actions..i always choose the right ones..even if it has to be bad. what about you?"

Glacier:"....I've lost a friend..that i was destined to be with..i made a mistake that made him this way.."

Steel Cove soldier#39:"...I see..that Caboose guy was your childhood friend am i correct?"


Steel Cove soldier#39:"well... you did a good job killing the leader of Phoenix. this should be deep enough, let's get this over with..."

Glacier:"...so why are we here?"

Steel Cove soldier#39:"this is the location..."

Glacier:"for what?"

Steel Cove:"...disposing someone who is a trouble to our plans... such a shame you and your team are on the list aswell.."

Her eyes widened as the soldier#39 was revealed to be a VEKTOR operative pulling out his K45 pistol and pointed right at her....




She was on the ground...bleeding from the gunshot and looked at the operative who was standing there with the gun on his hand..tears started to fall...


VEKTOR operative#39:"because we were ordered by the director to dispose the team. your team is now compromised and K.I.A"

He pointed the gun at her to finish the job...and said a final word to her...

VEKTOR operative#39:"Game Over."

She close her eyes..waiting for death to strike her..but...



She opened her eyes to see..a lifeless VEKTOR operative..on the ground dead... someone ran towards her and picked her up.. Glacier passed out from the blood loss.

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