First Day Of School(part 3)

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When we made it to maths Corrine explained why we were late. Mr. Murray let me sit next to Corrine which was nice.
Half way through the lesson Corrine asked me if I wanted to sit with her and her friends at break and lunch. Honoured,I replied with a small 'yes' considering I didn't want sir to hear me.
Once maths and English was finished I followed Corrine into the crowded lunch hall. We made our way to a table that consists of two girls and four boys. One of the girls had ginger hair with brown eyes whilst the other one had brunette coloured hair and browny bluish eyes. They were both very pretty just like Corrine. Then the boys. One had tanned skin with dark brown eyes and dark hair,one had blue eyes with brown hair,one had blond hair with blue eyes and the last one had black hair with brown eyes.
"Hey guys this is Rosie,Rosie these are my friends,Harper,Lucy,Scott,Jason,Cole and Leo" Corrine said introducing every person in the same order I said their hair and eye colour.
I suddenly felt like someone way watching me. I turned my head right and came across a boy who was probably my age if not older looking at me.

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