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It seemed like we had been staring at each other forever until Mrs Mit-I mean Susan called us over from the kitchen.
The only seats left were the ones opposite Susan and Michael. Shit that meant I had to sit next to Blake.

I took my seat at the table and watched as Uncle Benny brought a dish full of lasagna and placed it in the centre of the table.

As I pulled back from reaching for some lasagna I felt a warm hand slowly creep up to my thigh where it stayed.
I reacted quickly by taking the hand that belonged to Blake of my leg.

I turned my head so I was staring at him. He is so gorgeous, I think to my self. Whoa what was thinking? Stupid brain.

When I was looking at him I noticed he had a slight smirk on his face but that changed to a much bigger one once he noticed me staring at him.

I quickly turned my head back to my lasagna as I could feel the heat rise from my neck to my cheeks. I heard Blake chuckle lightly so that only I could hear.

I couldn't bare this any longer. "Um, would you excuse me for a second?" I asked. Uncle Benny nodded, as I slowly pulled my chair back it made a screeching noise. I turned towards the hallway where I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. Before I could shut the door a foot stopped in the way. The slight movement made me gasp from shock. I slowly stepped backwards so he could open the door.

Once he was in he came closer to me, still with the smirk on his face. I kept on walking backwards as Blake was walking towards me. We kept on going like this until I reached the wall. I looked up into his fascinating brown eyes that had a tint of brown in them that you wouldn't notice unless you were as close as we were now. I gasped once again as he put one of his hand on my waist that sent butterflies through out my stomach. I turned my head away from him so I wouldn't get lost in his eyes like the way I normally do every time I look at him.

I felt a warm wave of warmth that his hand supplied that was now on my cheek that made me look at his face, whilst he still had his other hand on my petite waist.

He leaned in closer so that our noses were almost touching. I felt his warm minty breath against my skin as my breathing came out as gasps of air.

He leaned in closer as I started to move around against his tight hold.

"Blake, Blake we need to go home now!" Susan called from down stairs. That made Blake step back from me but not that much that we weren't touching.

"Until next time" he whispered against my ear so that his lips touched my sensitive skin that made me want to just melt right in front of him.

Blake started to walk away but still had his eyes on me.
I watched as he shut the door behind him and heard his footsteps down the staircase. I could hear the front door close after I heard them say good bye.I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in.

Once it was time for bed I did all I needed to do in the bathroom and changed into my pj's and got into my cozy bed where I cuddled closer to my pillow. Just before I fell a sleep I reached up to my alarm clock and set it for the right time. Once my head hit the pillow I was blessed with sleep.


I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while but hopefully I will be able to update soon.
Lots of love to all my readers,

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