London Calling

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Sophie gets home, puts her bag down and picks up her phone and sees the photo of her and Kirsty, she smiles and picks her keys back up and wallet and walks back out the door. She walks to the florists just down the road, then to Kirsty's horse yard. She goes to the tack room and sees that Kirsty's there, she clears her throat and says "hey beautiful" holding a bunch of roses. Kirsty looks round and smiles "hey you what are you doing here?" she asks as she walks up to sophie and kisses her cheek. Then sophie kisses Kirsty's lips. Sophie smiles and say "I wanted to see you again, so I bought you some roses and where not technically official, yet" as she passes Kirsty the roses. Kirsty takes the roses and smiles at them. Sophie looks lovingly at Kirsty, she puts her hand on Kirsty's cheek and slowly moves in and kisses her. "I want us to be 'technically official'" Kirsty says. Sophie smiles, "really?" She replies. "Of course, I've liked you for so long now ever since we 'accidently' matched and I want you all to myself, you finish school in a few weeks we can go away and spend time with each other as well as our trip to London at the weekend. So will you, soph, be my girlfriend?" Sophie smiles and passionately kisses Kirsty. "Was that yes enough for you?" Sophie says they both smile. Kirsty says "can I get even more yes" only because she wants to keep kissing sophie. After kissing passionately. Sophie asks "do you want to stay at mine tonight.... You know as we're going to London tomorrow? Blushing. Kirsty smiles and replies "why not" with a big smile on her face. Kirsty waits for the vet to come and check star kirsty's horse, then feeds the rest of the horses and then back to Kirsty's to get a bag of cloths. or in kirsty's case, a suitcase.

Sophie walks round Kirsty's white spacious room and sees that theirs a picture of her with a lot of other ladies looking like she's a little kid in a sweet shop, looking chuffed with her self. Sophie gets a message through on her phone. From the hotel. It reads "your room is now ready, you can now check in" Sophie checks the dates on her phone and sees that she's saved a note on her phone "three nights in the ritz hotel may 22nd to 25th"

Sophie looks and smiles at Kirsty trying to get all her clothes in to the bag. "How about we go to our hotel tonight? I didn't realise I booked for three days" sophie says as she smiles at Kirsty. looking shocked Kirsty replies "really? When are we going up?" Sophie goes up to Kirsty and holds her hips. Kirsty puts her arms round Sophie's neck. Looking in to each others eyes sophie replies "tonight?" In a soft tone of voice. Kirsty smiles and kisses sophie softly. "Shall we leave now then?" Kirsty asks. Sophie smiles an replies "yeah I just need to go to mine first and get a bag and Chloe and her guy because we can't leave them if they're coming with us". kirsty smiles and replies "damn ive got to have them in my car, actually ill put them in the boot haha" jokingly. sophie giggles to herself and they walk to kirsty's car. Sophie in front and kirsty behind as its a very narrow walk way to the stairs. as they walk to the car kirsty stares at sophie's bum, smiles and thinks to herself "shes so bloody beautiful". kirsty slaps sophie's bum. sophie looks round, smiles and replies "oi cheeky".they get in kirstys black BMW and they go back to sophie's house. sophie texts chloe "change of plan we're going to london tonight as the hotel is booked and we can check in now oh and get jack. in the car with kirsty just coming home to get my bags and you. bring your party frock... your going to need it"

They get back to sophie's house and they see chloe sitting outside "what are you doing sitting there you only live next door you silly doughnut!" sophie says. Chloe smiles and replies "i know but its london... i bloody love london" sophie laughs "so patriotic" she replies as she opens the door. Sophie runs up to her bedroom and gets her suitcase, the tickets as well as the hotel reservaition and booking form. she goes back down stairs with her sitcase and hotel things. "what are we even going to do in London?" Chloe asks. sophie smiles, puts the suitcase down and replies "have fun". sophie goes back to her room and to check that she hasn't left anything behind. She hasn't. She walks out of her room she hear's chloe and kirsty laughing and getting on really well, better than she expected. she smiles. she runs down the stairs and says "ready girlies?" they both say "yes" they pack the car up and then start the journey to London. Sophie remembers. "shit where's jack!?" she asks as she turns round to Chloe, she sighs "his not coming" Chloe replies. Sophie looks shocked, "you haven't broken up have you!?" Chloe laughs "no, wait? what? no soph he couldn't get the weekend off work" they all burst out laughing. "okay well we've got our own rooms" Sophie replies. Chloe smiles suspiciously "oh alright then love birds" she says. Kirsty smiles at Sophie.

"LONDON HERE WE COME" sophie shouts as shes all excited to be spending the weekend with two of the most important women in her life. she looks over at kirsty and smiles at her look of concentration on her face as she's concentrating on driving.

two hours and three pit stops later they arrive. "right wheres the hotel? or what is it called?" kirsty asks. sophie smiles and points to the directional board saying "the ritz hotel". kirstys jaw drops "the ritz!? were staying at the ritz!!? oh my fucking god!" sophie smiles and says "come on then". chloe, still unable to comprehend what's going on sits in the back and says "really!? the ritz!!? i dont believe it!" sophie smiles as they drive to the centre of london and see a lavish looking building with "The Ritz Hotel" on it. they park outside. "i do believe we are here" sophie says in a very posh voice as they are in london and there's a very rich looking gentleman walking past the car. sophie opens the door and steps out of the car and looks up at the building "wow this is awesome" she says to herself. she looks left to see a group of young men walking towards her. "come on girls" she says to chloe and kirsty. Chloe steps out of the car and accidently knocks into a young man with brown hair "oh im sorry are you okay?" the young man asks chloe. with red rosey cheeks chloe replies "yeah sorry im fine are.. are you? i didnt mean to walk in to you like that it was totally my fault" the boy smiles "yes i'm fine... my names Brad by the way and your beautiful" chloe smiles at Brads compliment. sophie and kirsty start unpacking the car. "anyway see you around beautiful" brad says to chloe as he and his friends continue walking down the street. chloe says to herself "oh my god his so hot!" Sophie says "Chloe you've get jack put your tongue back in"

The girls start taking their bags up stairs after they check in. they get escorted to the lift where there is a man in very lavish suit and white gloves standing waiting to take them to their room. Chloe goes to her room that is next door to Kirsty and Sophie's "right well meet you in ten minutes outside our room im just going to go and have a shower" says sophie "okay Hun... take as much time as you need" Chloe replies as she winks at Sophie , she laughs and replies "well if that's happening then we'll need about a hour" they get to their room, Kirsty and Sophie's room has a four poster bed with folded towels and a bath robe on the bed. Sophie smiles at Kirsty as she walks closer and closer to her, she looks in to her eyes and kisses her. placing her hand on Sophie's bum Kirsty kisses her back. Sophie starts to unbutton kirsty's shirt "I've wanted to do this for ever" she says as she continues to kiss Kirsty. Kirsty slips her hand down Sophie's pants "ive wanted to do that for ever" they rip each others clothes off and fall on the bed.

later, they hear a knock on the door, Kirsty and Sophie are wrapped in each others arms. Sophie puts her head up and realises they've fallen asleep after they had sex and someone's at the door, she carefully gets up trying not to wake Kirsty up, she puts her robe on and goes and answers the door. its Chloe. she's not happy. "get jiggy with it did we?" Chloe asks crossing her arms. Sophie blushes. "either these walls are paper thin or you were fucking... hard... and loud, well you were loud very loud?" Chloe says. All Sophie says Is "sorry" whilst trying not to laugh. Chloe smiles and whispers "was it good?" Sophie smiles and replies "the best". "good well what are we going to do about dinner because its almost eight, I think there's a nando's down the road?" Sophie looks round the door at Kirsty, "okay well let me go and wake Kirsty up and get ready and well come and knock for you" says Sophie. Chloe smiles and replies "okay well don't have any more... fun" they laugh and Sophie closes the door.

Sophie goes and hugs Kirsty "babe do you want to go and get some dinner?" she asks as she kisses her neck. Kirsty smiles and says "come back to bed" as she pulls Sophie in to her arms. Sophie laughs and replies "we cant, we were heard" Kirsty sits up and asks "by who?...oh god by Chloe" as they both laugh. "we were loud apparently, very loud... now how about we go and get some dinner? nando's?" Sophie says.

Kirsty and Sophie meet Chloe down at the lobby. Chloe arrives they say hello. Sophie says "Right theres a Nandos down the road how about it?" kirsty smiles "oh you do know how to make someone happy" and kisses sophie. chloe says "yeah lets do it maybe ill see brad again" sophie smiles "chloe honey London's a massive place his probrably the other side by now come on AND you have Jack!" they all get there coats and start walking to nandos. chloe texting on her phone to Jack, walks into another young man. wearing the same brown coat. she looks up and realises its Brad. her jaw drops. "hey going to nandos are you?" Sophie and Kirsty look at each other

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