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Newt pov

"What happened exactly?" Jeff asks me again for the fourth time.

I sigh and rub my temples, "I told you! She started breathing heavily, gagging, and then she passed out!"

"Was she behaving oddly at any other moment in time?"

"Other than running into the shucking maze?"

"Yes." Clint sighs before continuing, "Listen Newt, I know this is frustrating, but other than some cuts and bruises from the maze, we can't find anything wrong. You were the only person to be by her for an extended period of time. It's a shock that she came out of the maze this healthy! She should have several broken bones or worse!"

"Well then," I breath, "Maybe she's just a better glader than any of us."

"If she was a better glader, then she wouldn't have passed out!" Clint yells at me.

I bristle before shouting back, "She's probably just tired! She spent a full night in the maze! With no sleep! And a child!"

Clint takes a deep breath, probably to stop himself from going off on the second-in-command.

Just then, little Ana wobbles into the med-hut, followed closely by Thomas and Gally. She goes up to the cot where Y/n lays, unconscious. "Mama!" She cries, reaching her hands up.

"No." I chuckle, picking Ana up, "That's your sister. We don't know where your mama is."

"Mama?" Ana reaches towards Y/n. I set Ana down on top of Y/n carefully.

Y/n shifts in her sleep, but Ana snuggles right up to her.

"Clint," Jeff says, looking at Ana, "I think you're wrong."

"Excuse me?" Clint raises his eyebrows.

"There was someone else with Y/n for an extended period of time. Ana."

Clint opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. He glances at me before kneeling down in front of Ana, who is still content on Y/n's chest.

"Hey Ana?" He whispers to her, "Can I ask what happened in the maze?"

Now, I'm going to warn everyone, there will be a lot of spelling mistakes, but only to capture Ana's inability to speak to her full extent. It's all on purpose.

"Oh!" She sat up, and before she could fall off the cot, Clint picks her up and hands her to me.

I accept her gladly.

"Mama ran into da maze." Ana starts.

"I'm sorry." Gally interrupts, "Why is she calling the girl mom? Did she actually birth her?"

"The girl's name is Y/n." I say, "And we don't know. She just does. Also, in the politest way possible, why are you here?"

Gally shrugs, so Thomas speaks up, "He just tagged along. I couldn't get him to leave Ana."

I raise my eyebrows, but Ana speaks up, "Exuse me! My turn to talk."

Thomas huffs a laugh and motions for her to continue.

"Mama ran into da maze and den a big monster came. Da monster was really scary and had a lot of spikes and claws and a scary face and-"

It all started with a threat (Newt x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now