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Hello everyone! This is more of a filler chapter, so it's going to be a bit shorter. It's mostly some really cute scenes with Ana. I still hope you like it! 

Newt pov

It's been two days since Y/n had come back from the maze. I hadn't left her side for the first day, but this morning, Alby dragged me away from her. He said that he needed his second-in-command, and that I needed a distraction. 

Truth be told, I still don't know why I stayed by Y/n's side. 

Maybe it's the fact that I was the one with her when she fell unconscious? Maybe I felt that it is my duty? 

Right now, Gally, Thomas, Minho, and I were following Ana around closely. 

I'd asked Minho to take a couple days off, at least until Y/n wakes up, but Gally and Thomas are with us by choice. 

Ana toddles happily around the glade, examining everything. We are all only a couple feet from her, ready to swoop in if needed. 

We don't talk. We just watch her carefully. 

"What are we gonna do with her?" Thomas asks, breaking the silence. "I mean, until Y/n wakes up." 

"Take care of her." I say. 

"How?" Gally asks. 

I shrug, "She seems old enough to eat solid foods, and if her speaking is any indication, she's smart. She'll tell us what she needs. Hopefully." 

We all look at Ana for a minute. 

We're at the edge of the glade, and Ana tilts her head. She gazes into the maze, and it's endless walls. 

"Dat's where mama and I were." She points at it. 

"Yeah." I nod, not sure what else to say. 

Ana looks back at me, grins, and starts running towards the maze entrance. 

"NO!" We all shout. 

Ana giggles, and tries to run faster. Thankfully, her chubby little legs can't take her very far or fast, so Minho is able to scoop her up into his arms. 

"No." He waggles a finger at her, "We never go in there." 

"But mama and I went in!" Ana protests. 

"Yeah, and it wasn't safe." Minho says, "Remember the monsters?" 

"But I wanna go!!" Ana yells. She pouts out her bottom lip, and gives Minho the biggest puppy dog eyes. 

"Oh!" Minho swings her around, "You're just to cute!" 

I frown, taking Ana away from him, and setting her on the ground, "Even so, that doesn't mean that you can go in there." 

"Fine." Ana sulks, crossing her arms. She sits down, and her butt hits the glade floor. Her eyebrows drift down, and her lip sticks out even more.

"Oh my god, you are adorable." 

"She's so shucking cute!" 

"The little baby!!" 

"I already love her." 

We all gush over Ana for a minute, before we hear a commotion on the other side of the glade. (Little game; guess which boy said what! Comment what you think!) 

"Shuck!" We hear someone yell, before seeing a crowd of animals erupt into the glade. 

We start running towards it, Thomas picking up Ana along the way. Winston meets us halfway, panting. 

"The animals got out!" He yells. 

"Yeah, that's obvious." Minho says. 

Thomas lifts Ana up on his shoulders, carefully making sure to avoid the animals. 

"What are we gonna do?" Gally yells over the noises the animals are making. 

"Herd them in!" Thomas says frantically. 

Alby fights his way to us, and starts giving instructions. Soon, some other boys come over, and we start to pick up some of the littler animals, and put them back into their pens. Gally and the builders start corralling the pigs and the few cows we have. I take Ana from Thomas, and supervise the wrangling. 

After an hour or so, all of the animals are back in their pens. Except one. 

"Puppy!" Ana reaches towards the dog that's sitting on the ground. It's a large, old thing, with golden fur and white hair around the snout. 

"Where's Bentley?" I hear Winston call out. 

"Here?" I yell back, "Is Bentley a yellow dog?" 

"Yep!" Winston comes jogging over. 

Ana squirms in my arms, and I set her down. She walks over to Bentley and snuggles into him. Bentley licks her face. 

"Ooh." Winston glances at them, "I wouldn't get her to attached to Bentley. He's really old, so we're planning on... using him later this week." 

My eyes grow wide as I stare at Ana and Bentley. Bentley lays down on the grass, and Ana climbs on top of him. She lays down, and Bentley curls up around her, keeping her warm and secure. 

"No." I say, "We can't use him." 

"Fry needs the food." Winston shrugs. 

"And Ana's sister is unconscious. She needs something to keep her mind off it. Plus, it gives her something to do, and half the Keepers won't need to watch over her."

"Ana won't know!" Winston argues, "She's just a little kid!" 

"Just because she's a little kid, doesn't mean she doesn't know what's going on." I say sternly, "I've made my decision, and I'm sure Alby will back me up on this." 

"Fine." Winston rolls his eyes and walks off. 

"Alright." I run a hand through my hair, taking a deep breath as Thomas and Minho come back, "You two watch her. I'm gonna check on Y/n." 

Alright, so maybe this chapter wasn't as short as I'd planned it to be! Hope you liked it! Thanks for reading!! :) 

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