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Y/n pov

It's been around three weeks since the 'hammock incident' as I've started calling it. Unfortunately, Minho had been the one to find us, and now he teased Newt and I relentlessly about it. Thomas joined in until Newt threatened both him and Minho with a week in the slammer. 

I'm officially off bed rest, yet if I worked too hard, my chest started to hurt, so my main job was to watch Ana. 

The first day, we tried to help Frypan in the kitchen, but he was very protective of his foods. It also wasn't the best as there were open flames right next to Ana. 

The second day, we tried to help out in the med-hut, but Ana kept getting bored and messing things up. 

So, we tried the garden. That seems to work out the best. Ana has something to do and if she wanders off, it's not that big of a deal. 

Ana and I have fallen into somewhat of a routine in the glade. We get up later than the boys, and take it slower in the morning. I play with her until lunch, and then we help out in the gardens any way possible. We have dinner, and head right off to bed. If Ana falls asleep quickly, then I head back to the rest of the boys and we talk and have a bit of fun before we all go to bed. 

Today, however, is greenie day. Newt had told me about it a couple days ago, and I was a little skeptical of it all. I wasn't sure how Ana would respond to a new person. I had just come to trust everyone in the glade, now we're throwing another in here? 

Another thing that kept concerning me was the maze. 

Ana always asks me why she couldn't go in there, and I always tell her to remember our night in the maze, but that doesn't seem to bother her. Multiple times I have had to pull her away from the doors. But the maze also keeps calling to me. Every evening, Ana and I watch the runners come back, and I have to admit, I really want to join them. 

If it wasn't for Ana, I probably would've asked Newt about it a long time ago. 

And Newt. 

That's another thing I have on my mind. 

What's our relationship like? 

I'm still not sure if I like him in a romantic type way, but I think I do. But Ana and I've only been here a couple weeks. That's too soon to tell. Yes, Newt and I have talked a lot, but I don't know a ton about him. Then again, neither does he. Having our memories wiped isn't the most helpful. 

Ana definitely likes Newt. She's made it clear that she sees him in a father-figure way. I think it's adorable, but it still doesn't clear up my feelings for him or his feelings for me. 

Does he like me back, or is he just a really sweet and kind person? 

The greenie alarm goes off, or what I assume it sounds like, and jerks me out of my thoughts. 

Ana looks at me worriedly, and I cover her ears, trying to block out the loud sound. After a while, it stops, and I pick Ana up and start to slowly walk over to the box. 

I see the box open, and Gally and Thomas help another boy out of it. The guy looks around, and I can tell he's asking a lot of questions, but I'm still too far away to hear. 

The greenie's head whips around and his gaze lands on me. He stares at me, and I get a little worried. By now, I'm coming up to the cluster of boys, and I push through them. 

The greenie has h/c hair that's shortly cropped. His eyes are a light brown, and they pierce into mine. A tugging pulls at my brain. I feel like I'm forgetting something. 

I stand by Newt as the greenie's gaze never leaves me. 

"Is he alright?" I whisper to Newt. 

"Greenie." Alby says sharply, "You alright?" 

"Y/n?" The greenie asks, stunned. 

I reel back, "How do you know my name?" I carefully pull Ana towards me, and the greenie's looks at her. 

"Oh my god." The greenie starts smiling, "Is this Ana?" 

I feel a mix of emotions overcome me. Scared, protectiveness, anger. 

"Who are you?" I ask sternly. 

"You don't remember me?" The greenie asks, hurt. 

"None of us remember anything." Alby says, "Why don't you come with me to the homestead and we can ask you some questions."

"No." The greenie interjects, "Y/n, don't you remember me?" 

I rack my brain, trying to think. A memory flashes in my mind for a second. 

"Alex? Where are you?"

"I have to leave. Please remember me."

A hand pressed into mine. A red mark on the neck. A boy hugging me. 

I quickly pass Ana to Newt, who takes her and holds her close. 

I step up to the greenie, and use two fingers to pull down the collar of his shirt a tiny bit. A red mark sits on his collarbone. 

"Alex?" I whisper. 

Alex hugs me tightly and I cry into his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry." I whisper, "I'm so so sorry." 

"It's not your fault." He whispers back. 

"I know." I hiccup. 

I break away and smile softly at him. 

Alby breaks the silence, "We have a lot of questions to ask you two." 

It all started with a threat (Newt x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now