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Later in the day, two lombaxes practiced their fencing, though one wasn't doing as great as the other, which felt odd.

Finally, one of the two slipped the blade under the other's arm, emitting a little "stab" sound from the mouth, proceeding to giggle and take off the mask.

-“Come on Ratchet! Where did your charm go?” Rivet said as she approached the other, taking off his mask revealing a blond lombax with emerald green eyes.

-“I don't know Riv, am I really ready to become king?” the one called Ratchet spoke as he stood up.

Ratchet and Rivet's parents were the king and queen of the kingdom. Unfortunately the Queen passed away when Rivet was born, and soon the king passed away a few years after, leaving Duke Quark to take care of the young lombaxes.

Ratchet, being the older brother, was the next in line for the heir, for most of his life he was prepared by the nobles, maids and servants, but he still wasn't sure if he could do it yet.

-“Well you're turning 18 next week, is there anything else you need to finally become king? Maybe a...a queen?” the female lombax teased seeing her big brother blush and look away.

-“I....I dont know, maybe I do? Maybe not....I'm not sure” Ratchet said standing up and putting the sword away.

-“I mean the Duke is already getting suitors for ya, princesses, princes, royals practically anyone is willing to marry you!” Rivet added, playfully waving the sword a bit towards her brother, Ratchet grabbing it to put it away.

-“At this point, every kingdom knows I'm bi, are you sure that isn't gonna stress me at all when I have to choose my partner?” Ratchet asked raising a brow at the other, it was true, despite some people not being fully accepting of a bisexual king, it gave some more hope to others with a bigger chance to be with the soon to be king.

-“Don't worry big bro, I'll be there for ya-” the younger said before hearing the Duke come in, followed by Ratchet's personal servant, a small robot named Clank.

-“Ratchet! I have a request, how about we organize a ball?, that way you can choose your partner there!” Quark asked excitedly, like he had come up with a new invention.

-“A....a what now?” Ratchet tilted his head to the side, unsure how that could work.

-“A ball?! That would be awesome! Didn't mom and dad meet at a ball?” Rivet said in almost the same energy Quark was in, but despite this, Ratchet was still a bit unsure. “Please Ratchet, plleeaassseeee?

-“I think I might need a bit more convincing...Clank, pal?” the blond lombax said looking at the tiny robot.

-“I think it would work, and in the case that you don't find anyone that can be your lover by then, we can always try to set you up with one of the suitors” Clank explained, making the lombax think a bit, maybe a ball wasn't such a bad idea, and there were even alternatives incase it didn't work.

-“Alright, fine, we'll have a ball take place around my birthday, but make sure to invite everyone, royals, commoners, everyone, and if I have to get set up after that, atleast give me enough time to get to know the suitors” Ratchet spoke, finally convinced with the idea.

-“Great! I'll get someone to inform the town immediately!” Quark said rushing out.

The two lombax royals headed to their room and got changed, but Ratchet could notice something about Rivet.

-“Riv? Did you meet someone when you snuck out yesterday?” the blond lombax asked noticing his younger sister shoot a look at him.

-“Well....maybe? But don't get the wrong idea, he dropped his stuff and I rushed to help him that's all!” Rivet said adjusting her dress.

-“Did you get his name? Maybe we could meet him yknow?” the older then noticed Rivet's eyes widen, maybe he shouldn't have asked that-


Since Jak was done with today's duties, he decided to get some fresh air, taking Dax with him of course, the two were pretty much inseparable, especially after Jak's mother's passing.

Jak finally sat down in the grass, it was pretty much the two of them, until they saw a fairly familiar lombax approach them.

-“Hey guys!” Rivet exclaimed as she sat with the two.

-“Oh, hey, Rivet right?” Jak briefly asked as Rivet nodded and got comfortable in the grass, not caring if it ends up staining her dress.

-“I kinda forgot to ask yesterday but...what are your names?” the lombax asked, giggling a bit at her forgetfulness yesterday.

-“Name's Daxter! And this is my friend Jak” Daxter chimed in, holding out his hand for the princess, Rivet shook the ottsel's hand with no hesitation.

The Author of this fanfiction had a brain fog for 4 whole days after writing the last paragraph, but soon remembered he had to continue writing this atleast before Christmas because he felt like it.

So the three chatted for a while, but Rivet didn't reveal much about herself, only the fact she had an older brother and a guardian.
But even so, they had a good time, and the Author suddenly ran out of ideas for this so let's say they just headed to their respective homes.

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