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Mara Astor stared at her parents in disbelief. Her hazel eyes were wide as she couldn't fathom the information she had just been given. 

"There is no way that I am spending the rest of my summer in a dirty fucking rainforest without getting something in return. The Avengers are here for a reason why can't they help out, it'd be good publicity after Sokovia," the dark-haired beauty scowled as she folded her arms in front of her chest.

Her parents looked down on her disapprovingly. The group of three was in the sitting room of their summer house in The Hamptons. Mara had planned to spend the entirety of her summer with her boyfriend and occasionally hang out with her other friends. Nowhere in her itinerary was a trip to a humid rainforest to do volunteer work. 

"You've become extremely selfish these past couple of years, Mara. Your father and I are hoping that this experience will humble you and you can come back a new and altruistic person," her mother's voice was calm as she stared down with a neutral expression at her furious daughter.

'Yeah like you aren't', Mara thought.

Mara scoffed and rolled her eyes as she watched her father fiddle with his fingers nervously. He was the one who continuously spoiled her and it always pained him to see her upset like this. 

"What if we-" Mara's father started but her mother put a firm hand up, interrupting him as he cowered behind her.

"You're not saving her this time," her mother's piercing green eyes bore into her father's who immediately looked down to his shoes, cowering in fear. 

"When am I even leaving?" questioned the young girl in a disgusted tone.

"A week," Mara's mother turned to her daughter once again as her jaw dropped.

"First you spring this disaster on me and now you're telling me I'm leaving my home for the rest of the summer in a week?" Mara's voice was raised which made her mother narrow her eyebrows.

"You should watch your tone, dear, there are so many things I could do to ruin your life," her mother's voice dripped with malice as she stared at her only child with disdain.

Mara glared daggers at her mother.

She was right, though. 

Her mother was the money maker in the family with her profession being the head and owner of a big insurance business. 

She was the reason for their wealth, huge house, and precious possessions. She was a brutal woman who, with the snap of her fingers, could take everything away. She wasn't afraid to do that to her own daughter either.

She stepped closer to Mara, causing her to instinctively flinch.

She looked extremely intimidating with her long blonde hair pinned up in a bun on the nape of her neck. Her lips were tainted with a dark red, mimicking the color of blood, and was dressed in a black blazer since she was about to leave for a meeting.

She placed her hand on Mara's shoulder, gripping it tightly, her nails digging into her flesh.

Mara bit back a yelp as she stared down at her mother's bright red nails which popped out against her white t-shirt. 

She couldn't bear to look her mother in the eyes as this moment was one of the one things she feared the most.

The monster that lived inside her mother was one that could not be harnessed if released. 

"If you even dare tarnish my reputation, I will not hesitate to throw you on the street. And we all know how reliant you are on my money," her voice was dark and dangerous as her warm breath sent chills down Mara's spine.

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