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The plane ride to The Amazon was a bumpy one, to say the least.

One would think that having a private jet and a private pilot would equate to smooth sailing, but this flight clearly proved that wrong. 

The plane would take sharp turns randomly making Mara jump out of her cushioned seat.

Mara made a mental note to fire whoever this crappy pilot was. 

Throughout the 12-hour plane ride, she had to go to the bathroom about 10 times to try to throw up. Not to mention, she did not get even one minute of sleep while on the ride. 

What a great start to this trip to hell, she thought. 

By the time they landed, Mara felt so sick that she could barely move. No one had accompanied her on her flight meaning that the flight attendant had to help her with her bags and the pilot had to help guide her out of the plane. 

Because the Amazon was literally in the middle of nowhere, they had to land on some weird runway in the middle of the forest. 

Mara scanned her surroundings as she put on a thin black jacket over her plain white t-shirt.

It was extremely humid, and the sun was burning onto her back which made her immediately regret putting on the jacket, causing her to shed it off. In the distance, there were large Kapok trees that swished gently from the hot breeze that passed. 

Mara could hear the sounds of animals chittering from the forest and was curious to see what kind of creatures lurked in the shadows, though she would never admit it.

"Hello! How are yah?" spoke a way too cheery voice with a thick southern accent, behind Mara.

Mara decided to ignore whoever was speaking behind her as she did not want to deal with anyone after she had just gotten off a 12-hour plane flight. 

"Excuse me, little lady," the voice started talking again, "I'm talkin' to you!"

"And I'm ignoring you," Mara said as she turned around to be face to face with an overweight, way-too-smiley woman. 

This woman looked to be in about her 40s and had bleach blond hair and blue little bug eyes. She was wearing a bright purple shirt that said, "Project Restoration" on it. 

"That's not a kind way to speak to your service project leader!" exclaimed the lady, putting her hands on her hips.

"I think that if I cared, I would have been offended. Anyways, are you going to be my new maid? If so, please take these bags from my attendant and lead me to my cabin." replied Mara as she motioned to her attendant who was struggling to lug all of Mara's luggage.

The lady narrowed her eyebrows and let out a hearty laugh.

"Dear, I'm not your little assistant, you're going to have to carry your bags all by yourself. Your attendant is going to have to leave pretty soon. This is a trip of self-exploration where you will have to be independent, so say goodbye to your attendant," the lady emphasized as she spread her arms out.

Mara sighed as she stared at her struggling flight attendant and took all of her luggage.

While the attendant seemed to be relieved, Mara was greeted by a newfound sense of heaviness. 

"Jesus Christ, maybe I shouldn't have packed my entire wardrobe," she muttered.

"Now come on, let's go meet with the others since you're the last one here!" the woman stated as she walked towards a large wooden cabin with two large doors. 

Mara decided that she hated this woman with a burning passion, and she was going to make sure that this woman would suffer.

"So, who even are you?" the brown-haired girl asked as the heavier set woman turned and flashed her a big annoying smile.

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