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Druig and Mara's time at camp was soon coming to an end and they tried to spend as much time together as they could. 

Whether it came to swimming, eating, or even sitting around doing nothing, they were always together.

Their relationship had advanced to a new level after Mara exposed everything about herself to Druig, both emotionally and physically. Druig was the only person in her life that she could trust and their attachment to each other was growing strong. 

Mara's new sense of trust towards Druig made him more confident about their relationship. He always made sure that he knew where she was and what she was doing at all times. 

Many people would call this an obsession, he thought, but the two of them we're like magnets, always trying to connect together. 

He would tell her stories about his past and history while she would sit on the floor, eagerly listening while he would recall his most interesting and entertaining interactions with humanity, his heart warming every time he evoked a positive reaction from Mara.

And Mara, she was head over heels for him.

She had a journal, just for Druig. She would write poetry, describing their unlikely relationship, log her favorite memories of him, trying to sear every drop of information she had from him in her memory forever. Sometimes, she would wait for him to fall asleep just so she could draw pictures of him in her journal, just in case she were to ever forget what this beautiful man looked like. 

It was midnight and the two sat outside, their bodies intertwined as they looked up at the night sky. 

Mara's brown hair was tied up in a high ponytail and she was dressed in a pair of athletic shorts and a shirt that was Druig's.

Her head was placed on her knees as she stared up at the sky like a child.

Druig was trying to recall every single constellation that he had learned throughout his long life, pointing them out to Mara and telling her how each name came to be. He even told her that he had helped Frederich Bessel name the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. 

"Obviously, if I could go back in time, I would now name it Mara," he smiled down at her, "The brightest star in the sky, bringing light on even the darkest of places,"

"It's such a beautiful night," she sighed as she tugged on her ponytail slightly.

Druig looked back down at Mara, trying to take in everything about her. The way his shirt looked on her, the way the night sky cast a beautiful light, reflecting off of her skin, how she was in a trance from the blanket of stars that they were laying under. 

All he could do was smile.

Mara turned to look at him, offering him a bewildered glance.

"Is something wrong?" the girl questioned, snapping Druig out of his lovesick gaze.

"Nothing's wrong, everything's perfect. You're perfect," he mumbled, holding his girlfriend closer to his body, pressing his lips to her forehead, gently kissing it.

Mara giggled at his gentle notion, sparks flying through her body from even the smallest interaction. She could swear that every single time she saw him, the butterflies in her stomach would get stronger and stronger. She really was head over heels.

Moments like this made her wish that her mom could see her now. Her mom's stupid idea about sending her away to this camp actually worked. Who knew that it would result in her falling in love with their leader. 

"You know what this is a good night for?" she questioned as a sly smile appeared on Druig's face, laying her down and climbing on top of her. 

He began kissing her neck and it was getting more heated by the second until Mara let out a long sigh.

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