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Druig stared down furiously at the boy he had just punched, his eyes flickering over to Mara's disheveled form.

Mara looked completely traumatized, her wide red-rimmed eyes were slowly drooping as she slumped down on the ground.

Druig knelt beside her and could immediately smell the intense scent of the alcohol on her.

As he approached the noise that he heard from outside of the forest, he could make out what was going on and immediately punched the boy without second thought. 

Over the years, he had seen these events happen where young women are coerced into sexual actions, yet he had never been allowed to interfere with humans and their interactions, but at that moment, he could not care less.

Druig looked down at the scene, his heart clenching at the sight of Mara.

He sighed as he lifted her body up, her face smushing into his neck.

He could feel her lips grazing his neck, causing his cheeks to flush at the sudden touch.

Druig stared back at the boy that he had punched out who was now passed out on the floor with a river of blood pouring from his nose.

He'd have Myra or Alice get him.

He just had to make sure that Mara was okay.

As he walked through the camp, he could hear the booming of the loud music from the building where the party was being held. The multicolored lights from the hall glistened on the outside.

He could see feverish couples stumbling out of the hall, their mouths glued together as they ran their hands over each other's bodies, running to the nearest place that would allow them a bit of privacy.

Druig rolled his eyes and grunted with disgust.

He saw Alice outside, glancing at the couples disapprovingly then proceeding to yell at them to get back in the hall and to 'get their paws off of each other.'

The man snapped his fingers, causing Alice's eyes to snap over to where he was standing, Mara in his arms, and came bumbling over to him.

"Hi, do you need something, Sir?" the older woman's voice wavered as she bore her weary eyes up into those of her superior.

His eyes abruptly faded to a bright yellow, a second later her eyes doing the same.

"Get the boy in the forest," he said calmly. Alice nodded and immediately started walking in the opposite direction to retrieve the boy.

Druig then went to the direction of his isolated cabin.

When he entered it, he immediately placed Mara on his bed. She instinctively curled up into a ball as Druig threw the covers over her body and then getting onto the bed and sitting beside her.

Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow; it was almost peaceful.

He placed a hand over her head and his blue eyes turned amber once again, probing her unconscious mind.

The events from the night before played in his head as he felt his fists clench.

How dare that selfish boy try to take advantage of Mara, he thought. He had the sudden desire to hunt the boy down and snap his neck like a twig.

He knew he could and he knew that it would be very easy to cover up. 

Suddenly, Druig felt Mara's emotions flooding into his senses, causing unwanted wave of sadness to wash upon him.

He felt her desire to forget, her desire to want to end it all. 

Her sadness, grief, and pain, all mixed together. 

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